MP3 Player with Replacable Batteries

Hello friends.

Can anyone recommend a decent MP3 player that can take either AA or AAA rechargeable batteries?

There are plenty of USB type ones where they take a single AAA, but it doesn't specify if it can work on rechargeable or disposable only.



  • I think there was one two decades ago

    • Lol….see the section on design flaws on that thing? Most relate to the fact that the battery compartment desintegrates when you look at it the wrong way ….so fairly useless

      Also, the control disc often falls off too…so another fairly important issue

      • Yeah but Steve Jobs hadn't invented the iPod back then. It was basically the 80s.
        Except it was the late 90s.

  • +1

    No modern Mp3 players have replaceable batteries anymore. They want you to keep buying new models when your lithium battery no longer carries a charge.

    Mp3 players have also largely died off, with most people preferring to take their phones wherever they go because they can use fitness tracking as well as utilising Spotify or Google music subscriptions.

    Try this ebay generic player.

    • Yeah, I've noticed that.

      Any idea if it will work with a rechargeable battery?

      • I think anything that takes AA/AAA batteries take the rechargeable AA/AAA too

        • Not really.

          Standard batteries are 1.5v
          Rechargeable are 1.2v

          There are some things that can't handle the voltage drop.

      • I have used that same model player with a NiMh battery, but the player is terrible. Buttons break within days, flaky software. Just don't buy.
        There is an old Sandisk Sansa player that ran off batteries you might be able to find on ebay.

  • Why not just get a power bank?

    Or get an old school ipod mini on gumtree or ebay - the type with the click wheel - they went for days without a charge

    • Because the battery in my iPod is failing and will get to the point where it won't work, even while connected to power.

      I'm trying to find a solution that will out live the battery.

      • The asian phone kiosk at your nearest mall will change a battery for you

        • All of the phone repair places I've asked said they won't touch the battery on an iPod Classic. Too hard.

          I've had this iPod since 2008.
          It's had a good run.

        • @Mitchel: not too hard, just that they dont stock the old battery

          Its easy to diy mate, i did a old ipod mini myself and works fine - u can also upgrade the HDD while u got it open of u want too….plenty of guides on the net and new battery cost FA on ebay.

          You just need a set of precision screwdrivers and a guitar plectrum sanded very thin on one edge to use as a pry tool

          Heres you go - also check youtube

        • @pointless comment:

          I would use an old keycard, in true ozbargain style.

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