I have been looking for a reliable robotic vacuum cleaner that can clean carpeted floor with a price tag of not more than $220 . I used to have one , Kongan robot vacuum cleaner cost me $99.00,just about 13 months ago, quite useful , but alas it stopped working now and it is over its warranty period which is 12 months. I do not wish to buy online anymore as I find it is very hard to get their supporting service. I have been looking one called My Genie 990 X for around $230.00, but unfortunately it can only be bought online and not in store. Also I saw a bad review on it . I got one Hoover 2240 for $210.00 from Masters, but it was struggling on carpeted floor, and I returned it, and the supervisor agreed that it did not function well with carpet.Please let me have your advice and suggestion . Would definitely appreciate them. By the way I am in Melbourne. Thanks.
A Reliable Robotic Vacuum Cleaner
Hi,Xsacha, hymn … You may be right. Thanks.
agree with Xsacha's comments about price range.
I've had some irobot, and now have neato which I found reliable & work well
Neato XV21 (an older model) is on ebay for about $AUD390 including shipping…. sometimes when Amazon have discounts (Especially when combined with AMEX deals) you can get new ones of this vintage for not a lot moreThanks,Cheapgeek. Perhaps I shouldn't think of getting one this robotic thing. Really I could not afford some $400.00 for one. I will look for the normal vacuum though it will pain my back from time to time.
I have a neato botvac 80 and am happy with it. Cost me about AUD$580 I think.
If you are looking to replace a vacuum, consider those light hand held ones (think Dyson v6/sticks, and a few other electrolux ones out there). The convenience of being able to pick it up, quickly vac, then hang it back on the wall makes vacuuming less of a chore and you are more inclined to do it more frequently. Otherwise, those clunky big barrel vacs are annoying to setup/drag around the house with cables etc.
Hi, Schwinn,
Thanks for your suggestion. Yes the stick one may suit me. I hate to bend down from time to time and the dragging too. Good idea. Will look into it.
Bought an LG roboking in 2013, and it's still going strong after being used 2-3 times a week. Paid $400 I think which I thought was a bit much but none of the others compared. Then again with the collision detection it was way superior to alternatives and I don't like my furniture scratched and the others seemed to ram into anything in their way.
I am finding my LG Roboking very reliable. I researched for a while to make sure I got the best one. I've hooked it up to my wifi and scheduled it to clean every day and it does a brilliant job.
I really don't think you can get one that could be considered reliable for $220 unless it is second-hand or you have a different definition of reliable. Sorry :\