I'm considering penning quite a lengthy complaint about a store I usually adore. The grievance is directed solely at a single employee who angered me to lengthy degree. My concern is, as I have never complained before, can I get banned for the shop if my complaint doesn't seem serious. The whole ordeal was quite surreal, and i'm concerned the respected party may not take to kindly to my concern. It is worth noting that they are a fairly successful Australian corporation.
Are There Dangers to Complaining about a Shop

why complain if it's not serious?
My actual qualm may be seen as a joke, however I take it quite seriously.
What did the employee do to anger you?
To be honest, if it's a personal issue, let it go. Think about why you are complaining and what you are looking to achieve. To be honest, unless there is a very clear case of wrongdoing, I would urge you to not complain. Too many people take personal grievances too far.
The fact that you said it can be seen as a joke seems to already suggest that it's a silly matter that you just need to let go of.
OK, more details please. Can't really determine much from what you've disclosed so far.
Name and shame, dont be shy - no tattlers here
Do it. Many years ago I complained about a rude female staff member at Myer Chadstone and the store manager called me up to apologise. I was hoping they send me a gift card but that didn't happen.
Name and shame.
Is the shop owned by dear leader Kim Jong Un?
Is it owned by bikies? Or does the owner know bikies?
Depends on the details. If you post them, we could comment.
I worked for an ISP years ago. The managing director would occasionally send a box of chocolates and a disk for Bigpond to customers whose unreasonable complaints reached his desk with a polite message saying that it didn't seem our company was able to provide a satisfactory service for you, so we have refunded all payments, cancelled your account and offer you best wishes in future.
His view was there are some customers who can never be satisfied and will soak up lots of cost in customer service etc. so it is better for them to use our competitors. I said what about word of mouth, and he said you meet people all the time that bad mouth companies and you quickly come to understand the customer was being the unreasonable one.
If you are polite and keep it to the point I see no issue, I would sleep on it and if its still an issue you want to pursue provide them with:
Time, location, staff member, what your greivance was, how it has impacted you and thank them for their time.
Leave details incase they wish to contact you further.
You wont be banned for polite feedback, and they will likely adress your concerns with the staff member.