This was posted 8 years 11 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Pokken Tournament Wii U $74, Amiibo $14, Uncharted Collection PS4 $48 @ Big W

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$74 Pokken Tournament Wii U - Currently $89.95 at EB and $89 at JB HiFi. Releases 19/3
$14 Amiibo including RYU, Roy, Famicom ROB and Animal Crossing latest wave. Releases 19/3
50% OFF Skylanders Superchargers (Great for those wanting the Amiibo Skylanders cheap!)
$138 Nintendo 2DS Console in various colours
$48 Uncharted Collection PS4

Currently an error in the picture for the Xbox One bundle, showing XB One 1TB Console, Division Token Download and Uncharted Collection for PS4. Says it is supposed to include Jurassic Park Lost world Blu-Ray. Most likely will be fixed/amended but for those opportunists out there, could be interesting.

Taken from the latest Big W catalogue, picture will be updated once it comes online.

Saturday release on 19/3 for Pokken and Amiibo.

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closed Comments

  • Thanks op. Was hoping pokken tournament would retail for $69. Might wait for reviews. Ryu amiibo looks awesome though.

    • Seems like Wii u games have gone up!

    • +2

      I played it in Japan, they had arcade cabinets for it. It was a really fun, solid fighter. Kind of plays like tekken with the 3D movement but has some bat shit insane action with mega evolves happening in match. I am going to be grabbing it day one. I probably would advise against putting down for the controller though. Would be a waste of money.

      • I played it once or twice too but had little idea what was going on. I wish I could have changed it to English! Still was great fun though.
        I had fun watching some high school kids having a tournament one time. They were so good.

  • -1

    People are not going to buy an xbox one just to get lost world on bluray in a pricing/marketing error lol

    • You missed my point. It shows you get Uncharted collection PS4, if you were already going to buy an xbox one the Uncharted Collection is worth more value than Jurassic Park Blu-Ray.

      • +1

        how do you know it's an error? maybe its for people with a ps4 already and they wana buy an xbox and the unchartered game.

        • That would be awesome :) but the text underneath is different to the picture.

  • Pokken Tournament is $72 at Ozgameshop with free delivery. Just depends if you are willing to wait the week or so it takes to get to you ..for that $2 saving :-)

    • +10

      Rather pay $2 and get the Aus ver. Selling it on Ebay down the track will net you back more than the $2 you paid.

      • Fair enough. For me I will never play it and the version sold from Ozgameshop is sealed where as the Aus versions (Nintendo first party titles) never are.

        Edit. Its actually $72.99 at Ozgameshop so yeah not worth bothering with unless your a collector and prefer sealed :-)

        • I find that if you want 'sealed' Australian games, you have to preorder at EB games and have them deliver it to you.

        • +1

          @plmko: Yep but most first party games don't come sealed at all on their first run as noddy said. The main exception I found was Pokemon games on 3DS.

  • Would be nice to know when the catalogue starts?

    • +1

      17/3, It's listed on the deal calendar start date.

  • Awesome, was hoping Target or Big W had a good Amiibo price. Have them preordered at EB.

  • +1

    50% OFF Skylanders Superchargers (Great for those wanting the Amiibo Skylanders cheap!)

    Those Amiibo-Skylanders were already sold separately recently (almost - it includes their respective vehicle). It's just that no one knew about it.

    Also, if your EB Games has it in stock, the preowned Amiibo-Skylanders can be bought for $12 each.

    • +1

      Yeah but you can now get 50% off the Amiibo-Skylanders that are separate with their vehicles as you say. You don't need to buy the starter pack for the 50% off. Sorry if I wasn't that clear.

  • +1

    Good price on uncharted, not digging the new cover though

    • i finished the trilogy this morning, $48 for 3 games is great value, you could probably play them and resell without loss if you're lucky…

      • Just bought one copy, original cover. Looking forward to try again

  • Does anyone know a cheaper Uncharted Collection? I'm thinking of getting this one. Uncharted 4 is looking incredible so far, shame they aren't on pc

    • I think this is about the cheapest I have seen, and rest assured you are getting your money's worth at $48. The first Uncharted feels a bit wooden now (still great), but the 2nd and 3rd are still amazing games.


    • UC Drake's Fortune is a little dated, but still amazing. Among Thieves is the best overall game. Drake's Deception is stuck in Among Thieves shadow, it's not bad, but unless you're in it for the story, it's not as amazing as Among Thieves

      • Even 'in it for the story' is a pretty silly excuse, because three has a pretty awful story.

        Oh no, the evil British Government is after water that can mind control you!….. Even though they, uh… Use mind control technology on you 2 or 3 times before they actually get the relic… :|

        However, it has the best set pieces. Dat ship level…. Dat plane scene! :o

    • Cheapest I've seen was Kmart. It was listed not long ago on their website for $40, but looks like the link is dead now.

    • probably be cheaper closer to when Uncharted 4 comes out

    • -4

      After all the hype from sony fanbois over the years, I got the uncharted collection and played it. These games are not very good. The story and characters are cliche as hell and not really written very well, the gameplay is ok, mainly being a mix of assassins creed jumping and some tps shooting, but it just doesn't deserve the amount of hype it has gotten over the years. I feel it must have been at a downpoint in the ps3 vs 360 war when sony fans did not have a lot to be happy about or something.

      I think the new Tomb Raider games are better in every way to any of the three (while being pretty much exactly the same gameplay wise) and of course alan wake or the last of us (being TPS), with far better stories and characters.

      • I prefer the new Tomb Raider games as well, just bought the Uncharted collection to try them out again since I really like the gameplay trailer for Uncharted 4. Lara seems more likable to me than Nathan

      • I played 3 when it was free and really enjoyed it, I think it's a great action game with fun characters. Also love Tomb Raider (2013), the new one is on the top of my wishlist

        • +1

          I never got to 3, I finished 1/2 and couldnt bring myself to go on to the last one before I traded it in. It's possible it got better, but I mean, the characters are one of the main things I dont like in that game, so I doubt I would have enjoyed it much more.

      • Everyone is entitled to their own views, but the Uncharted games came out long before the reboot of TR…

        • Of course. It's the story and characters more than the gameplay that I find bad in uncharted though and that's less of a time/technology issue.

        • @RI4V4N: I dunno. I prefer Uncharted to Tomb Raider, because Tomb Raider just felt like an Uncharted ripoff.

          Which is funny, because the first Uncharted was a Tomb Raider rip off! :D But that's the games industry now; rip off ripoffs and see who can ripoff the consumer the most :D lol

          So far, Ubisoft is winning.

      • Alan Wake is awesome, the original and the American Nightmare game were great on 360. Quantum Break looks great too.

  • I'm honestly want that Ryu Amiibo and i don't have a Wii U. I purely want it as a shelf piece.

    • +1

      And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why Nintendo are no longer having a financial crisis!

      (Even though they never were; people just liked to pretend in 2013 that Nintendo was going bankrupt) I don't even like Amiibos and I still have 5 :|

      • 1 year ago I had 0. Now I have 90.

  • Does anyone know the price of UFC 2 in the catalogue?

  • Pokken Tournament also $74 at Target.

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