Origin Energy Offers Fixed Price Contracts for Gas & Electricity

Interesting concept.

"The new deals take away any fluctuations in usage and price rises by allowing customers to pay the same fixed amount on their utility bills each fortnight or month regardless of their consumption."


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Origin Energy
Origin Energy


  • +1

    These are like AUCE resturants where inevitably those who eat the most get better value than those who eat less. Now that goes without saying, but also implys those who eat the least subsidies those who eat the most.

    So in this case, those who use the least, or care most about home efficiency subsidies those who are heavy or wasteful users.

    Generally a bad system for society.

  • Seen this on the news, looks very interesting I'm definetly going to have a look into it, but I feel like this system may be abused by some users.

  • Might be worth looking at, the Raccoon family kids are moving back in, for 3-6 months. So if this is based on my last 3 months usage this might be a winner for me.

    • +1

      Signed up. Things to be aware of

      1. You have to be origin energy customer already
      2. You can cancel anytime
      3. After 12months the plan finishes and you need to go on new plan (based on your past years usage) So if you abuse the system catches you later - unless you move toa new provider.
      4. Cant be on Solar
      5. No discounts like the 20-25% off (but pension rebates can be applied as a credit. This comes when the 3 month bill is issued - the next month your monthly fee will be reduced)

      While our energy usage may go up, we also wont have the restrictions on time of day usage, with the kids moving back in the time of day usage is harder to police

      • So really the only way to "beat" the system is to sign up to Origin for 3 months trying to use as little electricity as possible and then go on the fixed plan and let it fly.

        Do you have numbers from before you switched vs. the new monthly fixed price?

        • Sorry mate been in the US with my Ozbargain booking from last year's price error.

          Yes I think that is the best way but it will require a lot of careful use during that 3 months so while in theory it sounds good, in practice it might not be. And in reality the best circumstances will be if you know things are going to change

          In my case its more being in the right place etc

          Do you have numbers from before you switched vs. the new monthly fixed price?

          Thought I covered this here

          No discounts like the 20-25% off (but pension rebates can be applied as a credit. This comes when the 3 month bill is issued - the next month your monthly fee will be reduced)

          But if you need more info just ask.

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