Harvey Norman has another Super Saturday Sale tomorrow today. Has there been a cheaper USB 3.0 flash drive?
Thanks to the earth at Buckscoop
Harvey Norman has another Super Saturday Sale tomorrow today. Has there been a cheaper USB 3.0 flash drive?
Thanks to the earth at Buckscoop
Showed $13 for me
As the post says, starts tomorrow.
I have the 64GB version. Good flash drive but be aware that the "loop" at the end intrudes into adjacent USB slots' space, which can make it difficult to put this and another USB device next to each other
Ah I hate it when they do that, or when the entire housing is way too wide and blocks the other port.
That said, these do look pretty ☺️
It would only be a problem for the slot above anthing bellow or next to it fits fine.
Also agree looks very fine.
Great looking unit for a great price. Thanks TA!
Great looking unit for a great price.
Sounds like an ad for a gigolo.
"Let me plug my drive into your port, if you know what I mean ;-) "
Lol, that's gold
That huge bulbous end is a deal breaker for me. I prefer them to be more slim.
That's what she never says
I thought of it more as voluptuous than bulbous.
Agree. Stupid design.
Let's also not forget Samsung's appaling treatment of its factory workers. Would never buy their products because of it.
I bought the 32GB and it's awesome. I've been through a couple of plastic USB's that just break on your keyring but this design - one piece metal - is genius and works really well.
I bought 2 of the 64 gig units last time they were on special, they are really nice.
Can these be bought online or in store only?
OK did a click and collect, looks like a limit of 2 per customer when done that way.
Also have the 64gb version from last sale. Great drive and the "bulbous" end give you something to grab when pulling out so I actually prefer it.
Will be picking up a few for this price, thanks TA.
Awesome got 2 thanks
Thanks OP, ordered two for C&C
I went for the 16gb for $8 left with the 32gb for $19 :), they had 1 left of the 32gb and about 8-10 of the 16gb at Harvey Norman (Domayne) Auburn, Parramatta Road NSW
They also have the SanDisk Ultra Fit very cheap too.
32 GB is $18 - http://www.harveynorman.com.au/computers-tablets/networking-…
64 GB is $29 - http://www.harveynorman.com.au/computers-tablets/networking-…
Marginally cheaper on eBay, but I think many would prefer a physical shop to an importer.
Most here prefer cheapest. Paypal covers return postage.
@zeckem: That's fine, so my posts aren't applicable to you. Leave it in peace for those it is applicable for. "Most" is not "all".
Remember the Sandisk 8GB USB2.0 3 for $9 is still on.
Thankyou OP, got one before the sale ended! :)