What device for heart rate monitoring should I buy to capture readable raw data (instead of graph) for more than 24 hours?

I am trying to capture 'raw' data (readable text format) from heart rate monitoring devices such as FitBit Charge HR, however I understand that they show the data in 'graph' rather than numbers. Is it possible to capture the data for a set period, e.g. 24 hours to manipulate and process in computer? As part of my research I need to obtain the data in readable form and wonder if anyone can help me find a way. Most of devices show real time data or past data on screen but not as raw data. Should I use medical devices which I have no access to? Is there anyone who has captured biological data such as heart rate, body temperature, blood pressure or respiratory rate?
Is there a device which allows to capture 24 hours data?
Is there anyone who has captured biological data (e.g. heart rate) transferred from App (or Fitbit website for instance)t o PC?


  • What exactly do you need exported?

    I just exported from fitbit.com and got a spreadsheet with these things per day:
    Calories Burned
    Minutes Sedentary
    Minutes Lightly Active
    Minutes Fairly Active
    Minutes Very Active
    Activity Calories

    Minutes Asleep
    Minutes Awake
    Number of Awakenings
    Time in Bed

    BODY: (gotten from a Fitbit Aria scale)

    But it looks like you need more data than this, like per minute or something?

    I know Microsoft Band is big on data, so look into that?

    • thanks for the advise.
      So is it possible to capture data from Fitbit Charge HR for last 24 hours you think?
      How often the data above show? every minute? is it configurable?

      I am seeking 'heart rate' and (body temperature if possible) and devices that I can find which can provides these information.
      For now, I understand that FitBit measures heart rate however no idea how it works after having checked their website.

      • +1

        Sorry, haven't been on OzB in a couple of weeks, so this reply is super late.

        Yeah it looks like heart rate isn't up there, is it? Fitbit Charge HR will always give you a live view of your heart rate, but you need to look at it yourself. It doesn't appear to be stored, normally. Nothing on body temperature.

        But if you turn on activity mode (by holding down the button), it will keep more information, and allow you to export it as a TCX file (though that looks to be related to GPS, not heart rate). See this screenshot here and here

        So I suppose you can turn on activity mode, and if you don't accidentally turn it off, you can get that data. It just seems tough to export it.

        Have you looked into Microsoft Band? It has 11 sensors, I hear.

        • +1

          I managed finding a program kindly offered by mr Ravy Nielson for free. It allows me to access and capture ALL data even on a second basis. I tried and it works.


          Somehow Fitbit doesn't provide the features leaving it to an individual who needs it for their own health issues.

          Ravi even modified the program to help me reduce the number of samples to populate.

          Enjoy the program while it is still free.


  • Honestly, most of that flew over my head… I do know this, if you have an ANT or ANT+ compatibile chest belt, you should be able to capture heart rate with your phone

    • May you know what I need for the chest belt? Any names or models I can check? Just bought a Fitbit hoping it can allow me to collect data.

      • +1

        I know for a fact that Garmin's chest belts are ANT+ compatible. Check to make sure that your phone supports ANT+ first.

  • +1


    find an app that is compatible and thats it…



    i used to have a timex data recorder that would record chest strap data and it was imported to computer

    • Very helpful..many thanks

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