iPhone 5c or iPhone 5s

Hi all,

I am just getting a present for an elderly person. Confused if i should be buying iphone 5c or 5s, i checked out the differences, but not much found.

Can anyone shed more light on this pls, who have used either or both of them. Price diff is not a lot. around $200..

Also are there any good bargains available that you know of ( I don't want to buy from kogan )



  • In terms of quality, obviously 5s trumps 5c.
    Faster processor, Touch ID and aluminium body.

    However, I can't help but think that 5c might be the better alternative for elderly people assuming they are not tech savvy.
    Since it's plastic, it might handle drop better than 5s.

    I know you can buy 5s from Telstra but I believe you can buy it cheaper from ebay.

    Just my 2 cents

  • Depending on how old, I'd probably look at a non-Apple phone with a larger screen. Unless Apple is the only phone they know how to use anyhow.

  • I have the 5S and the missus 5C, the touch ID is quite handy for me to sign into app store, certain apps, etc, but for an elderly I think not so much. There is some performance difference but again for the targeted audience, 5S has a better more luxurious feel, but again…

    I would save the money and get the 5C and get them a case in case of drop if you're set on the Apple route.

  • Or wait and see if the 5Se to be announced (most likely) on March 22 might cause a drop in the older models….

  • For the elderly get the one with touch ID, it's just so much easier :)

  • thanks everyone for ur help :) Highly appreciate it

    Decided to go wih ozmobiles iphone 5s gold :). Cheers

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