First Gaming PC Build

Hi, I was looking to make a cheap gaming pc build based around the GTX 970, here is my current part list which is a bit over my budget atm.
I'm wondering if anyone could give me some input on swapping out some parts to make it cheaper. I intend to play CS GO and Overwatch at 1080 60fps. My budget is around $1000-1200.


  • Go buy the GTX970 from the ebay deal. I think it will cost you $350

  • +2

    Some ways to save without sacrificing performance:

    1. Ditch the cooler - no need unless overclocking, and you can always add one later.

    2. Get one RAM stick now, add another later. 8GB RAM should serve you well for the time being.

    3. You could probably get a cheaper case - there are plenty of good choices under $100.

    4. You may be able to get a cheaper motherboard - I'm not up with the latest mobos, so can't say for sure.

    5. I would also go for a Gigabyte GPU or another cheaper brand, rather than the MSI.

    Also look for eBay deals, but that looks a little iffy to me with the doubt about the code.

  • +2

    1080p gaming you don't need a 970. Go for a 960 or 380x instead. However if that ebay deal is still good get that 970.

    You can get a lower model i5 and it will be fine.

    You don't need a CPU cooler, that is something you get when you have heat problems not on a brand new system and you need the K version of a CPU to overclock with Intel I believe so yeah just scrap it.

    You can get a good decent power supply for 60 bucks.

    Also I love NZXT cases EXCEPT for that one. It is just so plain Jane and boring. However everyones tastes differ. If anything spend more on the case.

    Also get everything at MSY, you will probably save more money but they are shitty to deal with. Also

  • get a GTX 970 and I5 6400 from this ebay sale also motherboard if they are any good ones

    get the ram from the recent DDR4 post from amazon

    id be buying just about everything from this ebay sale if i where you.

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