Hi I have this palm in the from yard. Can anyone ID it please?
Indeed. Uploading now :)
No photo = Face palm
I can't believe i looked up face palm. Here's my vote for you!
Lol…at least youre honest and have a sense of humour
Cycad. A very mature one at that. They can go for a bit of money if they are well maintained and professionally relocated.
Thanks! I wonder where I can sell it :)
Put it on Gumtree
I thought so too. People may pay good money for this, especially as its in the front yard with easy access for a digger or something of that ilk.
Try calling some local nurserys. They may or may not be interested. Your one is mature but not well maintained. Worth a shot though. At the very least I'm sure someone would dig it out for the plant as payment. Gumtree another option, especially if they aren't common in your area.
I guess. I dont know their value or how to look after them. I pick off the dead layers once in a while.
They are susceptible to insect/bug infestation and nutrient deficiencies resulting in yellowing foliage and poor head development. There are plenty of guides on maintenance and if it has a bug problem there are readily available solutions at your local garden center.
They are abundant in QLD and fairly common in NSW also.
Edit: yours is likely a Sago Palm.
Yeah i am in Sydney. So its a Sago then?
@D6C1: there are over 300 varieties of Cycad. Out of my league there but if I were to have a stab … Yeah.
If you are in WA it looks like a very old ZAMIA.
Grow in the wild in south west WA
Took about 15 seconds to load that image. Nice work ONEDRIVE.
Not bad given a user base of >1,000,000 sharing just OneDrive.
Almost instant for me….
Highly dependent on ISP routing/optimisation. I know with my ISP to expect approx 10-20 kb/s for outlook attachment downloads and OneDrive seems to be about the same. Gmail will plod along at a couple of hundred KB/s. Probably Conroy's great Australian firewall … (not being serious)
I think it also depends on whether your browser already has majority of OneDirve assets cached (CSS, Javascripts, etc).
You have a slow connection ;)
photo will be useful