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Bulk Nutrients - Free Shaker with Any Order ($7 Shipping)


If you're planning on buying anything from bulk nutrients, you can add a shaker to your cart and apply HAPPYDAISY at the coupon code to make it free. Got an email from them :

" Grab yourself a free Bulk Nutrients Shaker with your order - just add one to your cart and use the code HAPPYDAISY at the checkout. "

Credit goes to KBZ : use code "CLEANTREATS" for 5% off your order (code does not stack) .

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Might be targeted, just tried to use it on my account to get 4KG of Earth Protein and didn't work

    "The coupon code you entered couldn't be applied to any items in your order."

    My bad, you have to add the shaker to your cart first… I derp'd

  • -2

    Anyone tried the coffee or chocolate flavored WPI powder? Any good? Ordered a sample but according to the reviews they will never arrive.

    • +1

      Yeh i've tried coffee … i quite like it, probably more so than some of the other ones (eg. salted caramel) but each to their own.
      mind you … i dont think it taste like coffee.

    • What would you guys say is the best protein powder from this store? My PT told me once to try and stick with Rice and Pea protein if possible, but the earth protein taste horrible and doesn't mix easy.

      • +2

        Protein Matrix+ is the one I use. It mixes perfectly, doesn't taste too sweet and doesn't have the gritty flavour of the earth protein(suited more for vegans).

      • Big fan of the Banana & Chocolate. Don't mind the new Salted Caramel and Vanilla is always fine. Keen to try the Choc Honeycomb. Hated their Choc Coconut (doesn't taste like either), Coffee, Cookies & Cream (just tastes like fake sugar).

        • @slowedogg

          Which one are you referring to, based on the protein matrix+ page, there doesn't seem to be salted caramel or banana and choc. Those seem good =)

          How would you describe the coffee flavour? Keen to try it myself but if it taste nothing like coffee then I don't want it lol


          Cheers for the suggestion, would you also have a suggestion in Rice or Pea protein? Can't remember the reason but my PT did tell me to try and stick with them. If not, I might give the protein matrix+ a try as well.

        • @ProjectZero: I haven't tried them separately but first thing you should do is maybe get a sample of both of them to see which tastes better for you, after all you have to be the one to consume it. Plant based proteins like pea/rice are supposed to be easier on the body(i.e. lactose/gluten free/not from dairy like whey). If taken separately they lack the same amino acid content as whey (e.g. rice is lower in the amino acid lysine), that's why earth protein(pea+rice) exists to have the best of both worlds.

          The one thing that stood out for me when comparing both was that the pea protein is significantly higher in sodium than the rice. That is something that may or may not concern you depending on your diet.

        • @ProjectZero:

          Just my opinion.. i think coffee taste more like cookies and creak (sweet)

    • Both are part of the better wpc's i've tried

    • +1

      I tried Cookies and Cream, Banana, Chocolate, Coffee and Strawberry.
      Strawberry is the best imo

      • +1

        Drinking a BN strawberry shake right now hmm.

    • Vanilla and Salted Caramel are both pretty tasty.

  • +2

    If you spend over $250, you get free 500g bag of creatine as well. Not sure if they stack it with this though

  • Do they use artificial sweeteners/flavors? As im trying to reduce my chances of getting cancers, tumors, modified DNA etc. Thanks

    • +5

      Says on their site - if you goto one of their products and click the ingedients tab.

      Heres an extract of a random product i chose (WPI):
      "Cross and Ultra Whey Protein Isolate (WPI), Flavouring, Sweetener (Sucralose). Cocoa used in Chocolate flavours.
      The 'Raw' selection does not contain sweeteners or flavourings. "

      So if you're trying to stay away from sweeteners/flavors - go with the raw

      I purchased the unflavoured/raw one a while ago. If you mix it with other stuff (eg. fruit/vegetable juice) its okay, but it does still make it a bit frothy. If you mix it with plain water, it taste like crap .

    • They have an organic range free from anything artificial:



    • If you worry about sweenteners and artificial flavours - me too. But the worry for dna modified food is unfound. DNA is an instruction to make protein for neurones. In your stomach any protein made according to DNA will be broken up and turned into standard protein.

    • +1

      lmao, I hope you live in a sealed box and fast on water and air.

      Stop worrying and live your life. By that I don't mean going out tomorrow and huffing a tank of ethylene oxide I mean just stop worrying and accept your mortality. You can spend your entire life trying to avoid things that may or may not be carcinogenic and then get hit by a bus the next day. You'll probably die sooner from stressing over things anyway.

      • In a bad mood? Dunno about you, but I also care about my health and try to limit/avoid artificial ingredients and junk food where possible. But then again, if you enjoy eating fast food and sweets often, then good for you.

        • +2

          The point of my post which you have completely missed is that there's no point in worrying about what might happen because life is unpredictable. The modern world is full of mostly unavoidable things which will (profanity) your shit and life can throw you a curveball and bend you over for something that's no fault of your own.

          And for the record I eat right 98% of the time and exercise regularly yet I don't sit there looking up and down an ingredient list going "mmm that might give me cancer".

    • I wouldn't worry about it.

      Artificial sweeter is one of the most tested products on the planet and they have found no correlation between that and cancers.

      I think what everyone ran with was a study that showed it could mildly increase cancer risks in rats but the levels were about the equivalent of drinking a couple of hundred cans of diet coke a day.

      • +1

        Can you, do you honestly believe that??? It's absolutely harmless??? So why dont we use it in everything these days if its true, if that's the solution to obesity?

        Its as bad if not worse then GMOs, all in all we are screwed with what were fed these days, everything passes as a standard, in in 20 to 50 years they will come and tell us "Oh sorry, that was what killed you"

        Or for example hormones used to feed the life stock, openly, publicly pumping animals with it to grow/devdlop faster,produce more etc. And feed people with it??? And everyones a OK with it…..

        I love how Hungry Jacks (others are even worse then them, KFC super roided chickens, and God knows whats in Roland Mcdonald) is now literally braging how their meat is hormones free now lol, lets ask before that why was it with hormones in the first place LOL!

        • @drazenm



          You can look everywhere no study except that one many moons ago which was later discredited found a link between cancers and rats. However because of it they have tested it into the ground constantly trying to dispel that belief.

          As for why it isn't put into everything it doesn't taste the same as sugar and a lot of effort goes into it tasting roughly the same as sugar products but it isn't there yet. Also obesity wouldn't be solved by replacing sugar with artificial sweeter it might just take 10% of what people weighed.

          Also you are conflating multiple completely separate issues. How does artificial sweetner which is the most tested food on the planet relate to hormones being pumped into animals? What does hungry jacks cows and chickens have anything to do with the cancer risk of artificial sweetner?

    • Just going to add to the other replies here.

      I doubt protein supplementation will cause cancer. If anything, take it easy on the bacon - that definitely increases your risk of bowel cancer.

      As for DNA, it is made of a sugar ring and a phosphate group, which your stomach sees as energy and eats. Otherwise the DNA in any cell that you consume would be problematic, no?

      Modified DNA looks chemically the same as any other DNA, and hence is of no issue.


    • It is a good thing to be pro-active in eating healthy. Like most things, it is fine in moderation. Those tests which concluded that artificial sweeteners had negative effects on the body were done at doses that are much higher than what a normal human would consume. Take any "natural" chemical and feed it to another mammal that shares similar physiology to humans like a rat and give it to them at doses such as 1000mg/kg then chances are there would be some undesirable outcomes. You have to also look at whether the research done is actually valid and has been peer-reviewed.

      Artificial sweeteners has the advantage in that it has been well studied and If I was you I wouldn't worry too much. There are a lot of bureaucracies surrounding health matters and if it was that dangerous for consumption then they would have been banned anyway.

      But I will say science is constantly evolving and the status quo could change, after all there was a time when smoking was thought of to be healthy. But constantly stressing on whether something is good or bad for you is also not a good thing. Something that is natural and found in the ground does not mean it is good for you.

  • +6

    BN the best in the business. Highly recommended Australian business. I support local. Great products at great prices.

  • I freaking love Bulk Nutrients. I buy 2kg of Raw WPI for smoothies. Due to restock now too! Thanks OP!

    • +1

      What does the Raw flavour taste like with just water?

      • +1

        Yep, with a milky consistency.

        I normally have mine in an actual smoothie with fruit/greek yoghurt/water, bit of spinach sometimes.

        I don't recommend it for flavour, but when mixing with other stuff it's great.

        • Thanks for the reply.

          Any idea how the chocolate flavour compares to Optimum Nutrition? Want to shift completely to BN

        • @GameChanger:

          I haven't tried ON Chocolate WPI, but you can order a BN free sample here and make the comparison before you commit to buy:


          If you have already had a sample (I think they cap it my Facebook/email), just use the email on the 'Contact Us' page and request to try 1-2 flavours. They will send it within a couple of days. I requested a few samples and they were so helpful.

          Let us know how you go :)

  • Damn. Just ordered 5kg last week :(

  • +16

    Or use
    For 5% off.

    • Tried to do both offers but only one coupon can be used per order :/

      • Depends if you already have a shaker why not just choose the discount.

    • Thanks mate.

    • Thanks. Needed to restock on matrix

  • +1

    NOTE: Offer is only for regular $6 shaker. Not the Mini Shaker ($5) or the Super Shaker ($12).

  • -6

    I know some proteins like this wpi one turn fat into muscle. does anyone no if this one does that..


    • +6

      Tren is pretty good at doing that.

    • Yeah but you have to be careful not to overdose on the protein as you can gain extra fat

      just take 5g of dnp for a month and it should be able to convert the proteins into muscle

      • thanks kkkal ill try that out

    • +5

      Fat does not turn into muscle, same as muscle does NOT turn into fat.

      Without too much detail - muscles atrophy and get smaller and you may notice an increase in fat if you dont exercise / weight train.

      If you train, generally your muscles get bigger (due to tearing of muscles fibres) and because of your increased energy expenditure your fat stores normally reduce..

      Bulk Nutrients would have to be one of the best products ive used / tested. Generally Protein like this is good if you dont get enough or want something to ensure you are getting adequate intake at the correct moments.

  • How is this compare to Venom protein?

    • I haven't Venom in a couple of years, but from memory it was shit.

    • +1

      I wouldn't go so far as to saying it's shit. Give their banana one a whirl, it's pretty good

    • +1

      BN > Venom

    • Venom tastes way to chemically for my liking, BN all the way, new Choc Honeycomb flavour is the bomb!

  • This company is really great. I always buy WPC @ 5kg. Bulk Nutrients & Optimum Nutrition Gold Standard Whey are my go-to proteins. The protein pancakes are pretty good. You can buy bulk creatine mono cheap.

    I buy Agmatine Sulphate, & Citrulline Malate in bulk added with instant coffee for an awesome pre-workout drink for the pump. They have a huge variety of supplements. Just be aware it tastes like ass a lot of the powders. For example the joint complex powder.

    • For WPC ratings:
      Salted caramel 7/10
      Mocha 7/10
      Choc Coconut 4/10
      strawberry 6/10
      chocolate 7/10
      Choc mint 5/10
      vanilla 6/10

      Don't expect strong/amazing tastes. You only get 100% real whey - the flavors won't 'wow' you like more expensive whey protein like Cellucor, Muscle Pharm, ON, etc. The taste different is huge however it's all equal in nutrition if this matters to you.

      • Have you tasted raw?

  • +2

    No offense to you OP but I swear everytime I order supplements I get a free shaker.
    Thanks for sharing though.

    • Same here, if they don't then just ask nicely I'm sure they'll throw one in… I've never had to buy a shaker before.

  • Any suggestions on which protein shake for a noob who's managing to lose weight whilst attempting to bulk? Or is it all nutritionally prett much the same just a matter of personal taste?

    • +1

      Start on the WPI.

      You can email BN and ask for a free sample. I did this recently to try out some different flavours (I normally do raw in smoothies) so I got Salted Caramel and Banana. Alternatively, you can buy a pack of 7 or 14 WPI/WPC samples from memory. They have all the flavours in mini travel packs so if you don't want to commit to just one flavour yet, give that a go to start off.

      In terms of price and efficiency, I love BN. I'm in Melbourne and I generally receive my order in 2 days, sometimes within the following day. The packs sit up well in the pantry too which is nice. I hated hoarding massive cannisters of bro-tein which took up my much sought after space.

      Start off with a kg and see if it's your thing :)

    • If you are trying to lose weight don't attempt to bulk they are counter productive.

      You need a calorie deficit for losing weight and a calorie surplus for bulking. Concentrate on losing weight as since it sounds like you are a noob even in a deficit you will build some muscle mass, while with a surplus you won't be losing any fat.

      If you want a great tip so you have more protein to help gains buy lots of allbran (or Aldi bran) and put a scoop of protein powder on it with some almond milk. Makes the bran taste good, ticks the protein box for the day and it's a pretty damn nutritious breakfast and isn't that calorie heavy.

      • I'm trying to bulk, but I'm losing weight instead of bulking, I am more defined right now… Well as defined as a lanky person can be

        • +1

          Creatine and Protein powder is your best bet. Eat some more carbs.

          Wendlers 5-3-1 is a good routine but anything works as long as you stick to it pretty much.

    • Not sure if I'm reading it wrong but losing weight and bulking is counter productive.

  • Clicked on the link above, now says its out of stock :(

  • Marked expired as Out of stock.

  • Wow generous

  • +1

    Thanks op, i got a free shaker for $106

  • also the 5 percent off code is no longer working :(

    • Hmm only if youre getting the protein matrix.. you can use PMROCKS for 5% off

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