Woolies docket offer for James Squire varieties for $49/carton. Past offers have been for the 150 lashes or Golden Ale, not bad, but this one includes the Hop Thief which is a very good American style pale ale, for a macro Brewer.
James Squire Hop Thief and Varieties. $49 at BWS

Last edited 06/03/2016 - 19:21 by 1 other user
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If you've corrected the spelling it still says
"this one includes the Hop Theif"
No one cares about spell check any more
- anymore
I posted from my phone and spelled thief as Theif all three times.
Are you leaving the one in the description for posterity? ;)
but this one includes the Hop Theif which is a very good American style pale ale
Good find, Hop Thief is a great beer. First tried it when Dan's had their $10 six packs.
Don't forget, you can also grab a 6 pack of Montheith's Pointers Pale Ale for $10 if you spend $29, too :) Quite similar to the 150 Lashes, not quite as hoppy as Hop Thief.
I was one of the many OzBargainers who tried it in one of the Dan's deals and I personally think it's pretty average, but each to their own. Worth mentioning though.
completely agree, although IMO the Monteith's Southern Pale ale as part of that deal was a winner
Thanks op, think ill go buy a slice of cheese or maybe an olive
Rated top of the range, check the reviews
Thanks op
James Squire Porter is the best beer in the world followed closely by James Squire Amber Ale
Says you
I think I'm going to have to disagree with you on that one
Porter is the only decent Squire's beer. Rest are average at best with Lashes being a disgrace to the art of fermentation.
Dunno about the porter being the best beer in the world although I'd agree they're both amongst the choice picks in that range
But taste is taste - not everyone is going to agree with you. Everyone has their own preferences!
hopthief is a great beer!
Nice price. I remember when dan murphys had the members special $10 for a 6 pack of hop thief from this deal- www.ozbargain.com.au/node/196173
$51 in SA.
Gotta offset the bottle recycling refund.
These were $46 around Christmas time with a woolies docket. Still a good deal for a solid beer, but it has been cheaper.
They were $10 a 6 pack at Dans a while back (so $40 for a carton for those that cant math)
I just check a couple of receipts from the wife's and mother-in-laws shopping trips and got Hahn SuperDry for $39. Do you have to purchase something specific for the James Squire special?
Same here (NSW)
Got this docket when I bought meat, bread, Easter eggs, Vegemite, dry pasta and puff pastry.
I call it a balanced diet.It's usually from buying meat, deli or seafood purchase.
American stylers that mean it tastes like Budweiser? Hope not.
Learn about beer.
Thanks for not answering.
A pale ale traditionally was a beer with a lot of bittering hops plus extra dry hops added at the end of fermentation. Coopers makes a traditional Australian Pale Ale.
You might have heard of IPA, India pale Ale which is an English style.
The Americans, I think Sierra Nevada was the first, modified this style to use fruitier hops, so it is less bitter but still very flavourful.
In Australia, the most widely known version is probably Little Creatures. A lighter version is Fat Yak. In my opinion, the Hop Thief falls between these.
An American Budweiser (as opposed to Budvar) is probably closest to a Carlton Cold or a Dry or other local flavourless beer sold in a clear bottle. The Hop Thief will have a very strong flavour if you like those beers.thanks for the info.
usually when I read American style anything I think poor quality. Like Little Creatures then I won't mind it then
cheers.Mainstream American beers (Bud, Miller Lite, etc.) don't generally have a great rep. Depends who you ask, I guess. If you're not familiar with American beers, you might automatically associate it with this.
America actually has a thriving microbrewery scene - and just by virtue of their geography and population, it is huge compared to Australia's. We're talking over 4,000 breweries. The quality of some of their craft breweries is outstanding, in my opinion (having said that, taste is a personal thing).
Mskeggs gives you a pretty good overview of why "American-style" pale ale is more about the style of beer and why your preconception that anything "American-style" is poor quality is not necessarily one that's shared by beer aficionados.
Agree 100% re the Microbrewery scence in the USA. Was over there for a month last spring and sampled many of their non-mainstream brands and was consistently surprised.
Get the same experience as 150 Lashes by licking soap between sips of VB
Well Hop thief did very well in the Australia Beer awards http://www.rasv.com.au/Events/AIBA_Home/AIBA_Results/AIBA_Pa… And I know it's popular so great for those who enjoy it. Personally I'd rather drink Coopers than James Squires, and I could probably list 50 beers better than James Squires without too much thought, including anything by Little Creatures, Burliegh Brewing Co or 4 Pines… By I guess none of those beers makes it to the local pub taps because of the the major beer companies cartel. Thus no one hears about them..
Little Creatures Pale is a great beer, but it is hardly unknown.
The Hop Thief is not a million miles away if you like it.Burleighs 28 is a great beer I think.
Nowdays I see little creatures at almost every pub I go to, 4 pines occasionally… and DOZENS of microbreweries everywhere. I actually think that Squire deserves credit for what we have available now - for a while it was the only decent beer on tap in places (if you were lucky). It actually started off as a microbrewery but Chuck Hahn had to sell it off to Lion Nathan to survive. You know that little creatures is under Lion Nathan too?
Didn't actually know that.
Pretty good price. Shame that none of the BWS stores I went to today in Cairns actually carry Hop Thief. If there was a Woolies docket offer for a ute tray full of XXXX I would have been sorted.
Agreed, I went and bought a slab before posting for the exact same reason that my local BWS doesn"t always carry city deals.
My local doesn't sell cartons but there are 6 packs in the fridge. I just grab 4x6 packs and make up my own carton.
Thanks to Hamza for correcting my spelling (blush).