Today received an email from Foxtel informing me:
There will be a small increase of $1 to your monthly bill. This will take effect on your next billing date"
Has anyone else received same or similar? I am out of contract now too. Thoughts?
Today received an email from Foxtel informing me:
There will be a small increase of $1 to your monthly bill. This will take effect on your next billing date"
Has anyone else received same or similar? I am out of contract now too. Thoughts?
i reckon they've done the maths and worked out most will not leave over $1.
OP wont.
Inform them you are decreasing your monthly fee.
To zero.
i got this today as well Entertainment (basic) is going up to $26 per month
I can just imagine them having a meeting and they're trying to come up with ways to increase revenue.
They someone says "we could increase the fees by $1, no one will feel ripped off and with a million customers that's $1,000,000 extra for us every month".
I think it's a bad idea. Instead of making their service more appealing or more similar to competitors they're upping the price. It doesn't help the consumer at all, and they don't care.
if it wasn't for the footy mine would be gone.
Same, footy is the only thing keeping me at the moment!
I think a lot of people are in the same boat. If only you could get a cheap package that was only footy.
nrl or nfl?
if its nrl there are ways to stream every game free if you can convince the stream you arent in australia
Whoops.. Meant to write Afl.. Kind of out of luck with cheap/free streaming options there
Yeah its an odd letter.
I suppose the only good part is that prices are far lower than years ago.
Out of contract - threaten to leave, negotiate better contract. Look at whirlpool, people do it all the time. Just say it's too expensive or you want the next package etc, re-sign for another year.
Yeah I have looked on WP and tried calling a couple times threatening to leave. Basically their attitude was "just leave then", with no retainer offers..
I don't have foxtel, but can you leave… then wait for a better deal then sign up again?
Only keep Foxtel on for cartoon network for my son.
Why when you can stream for free?
It's not that easy. He is autistic and wants to watch the same things over and over. Some of the shows he loves (eg. Steven Universe) will never ever be on netflix (legal reasons I looked it up once).
We have got most of the current streaming tv packages (netflix, quickflix, stan, presto) but what he likes aren't on them. His sister will stream various new episodes of things he likes for him to watch, but it's not the same for him.
if you can live without it call up and say "it's getting to expensive i'm gonig to cancel" they'll drop you down.
my FIL did it and got the Movies/Entertainment+ pack free for a year.
they do this every year or so
Long time ago I was tempted to get Foxtel, but I never get myself around to see TV that much. And I got hooked on Netflix and for ~$12 per month that's peanuts.
I signed up for 6 months free Foxtels Presto and the content is great but the streaming quality sucks so I won't be continuing it after the free period is over. If they can provide 1080p then maybe.
Interesting doing what Netflix did when they increased by a dollar, sure they do this every year. Be keen to see what happens to foxtel this year an all this site blocking stuff. Glad I don't have it any more and can get my sports / tv shows other ways.
Hi all,
I've gone from being a fan of Foxtel (back in say 2006) to a "hater" of the Corporation.
Billing issues, contracts running out and prices spiking 100% due to me not remembering to call and ask for re-contract rate and a number of other issues have made the hair on the back of my neck stand up when ever anyone mentions the word.
Anyway - for the last year or so I have been calling every 3 months and have been granted a 3 month fixed contract at a reduced price. In January Foxtel called me and said "Hey to save you calling us every 3 months and asking for a fixed contract at a reduced rate, we want to give you 12 months at your current rate". With suspicion I asked, "so my bill will be the same amount for the next 12 months - no catches."
"NO CATCHES - it will be the same amount each month for the next 12 months"
So 1.5 months later (today), I receive a letter saying - "Hey we are putting everyone's bill up by $1 per month"
Naturally being a "hater" I call Foxtel and remind them of my "Fixed contract" - I am told:
"Sorry this is a company wide price rise, you were given a fixed rate at an agreed base, you do not have a fixed contract - there is a difference, it has been communicated to you that base rate (which you still receive) will rise by $1 per month.
Of course I asked to speak to a supervisor, I am told "Sorry I can't escalate this type of complaint".
Obviously its not the $1 but the principal. Anyone else in a similar situation? / Can anything be done or do I just give up in frustration?
If you got the Call Receipt number of that January call, you can bring that up with them and hold them on the terms that they've stated. Then just argue that that's what both parties agreed on clearly.
Evidence is key, pin them down on the words they say
Goodbye foxtel!