Calling Google Play Store Support from Overseas. Please Help.

Hello Guys, I've been using this website since quite a while when i used to stay in Australia. I have moved back to India a year ago. I don't have much friends left in Australia and I needed someone staying there to do me a favor, and so I've turned to fellow bargainers. I had purchased a Samsung Gear Live smartwatch from the google play store in July 2014. The watch had a problem worldwide that it's charging points get corroded over time and they had even given a software update for the same but it didn't work out quite well for many. As a result, I can no longer charge the watch a the charging points have completely corroded.

I called the Google Store Support in India and they said that the watch doesn't have an international warranty and it can be serviced only in Australia and it has a 2 year warranty that ends in July 2016. They weren't even helpful enough with providing a direct contact number for the Australian Google Store Support. Now, a friend is gonna travel to sydney next month and i was planning to send the watch there with her so she can send it to the service center and get it repaired. For that I need to contact the Australian Google Store Support as I will need to as I will need to give them my credentials. but the only number i could find for them is a Toll-free 1800 number. As it is Toll-free, i cannot call them from India. So it would be very helpful if somebody could call them up and get a direct number to contact them from Overseas. All you would need to do is ask them a number which can be dialed from overseas so mostly, it should be a landline number. Their Toll-free number that you could call on is 1800093181.

Any help regarding this would be much appreciated. Thank you in advance.


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  • +1

    Call Google HQ and ask reception for non-toll-free number: +61 2 9374 4000

  • You should also be able to call 1800 numbers using skype for free (I did when mobile carriers charged for them).

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