Snowboarding - GoPro Mounts

Hi all,

Heading to solo snowboard japan mid march - bought a GoPro Hero+ LCD model during the boxing day sales. Wanted advice from regular snowboarders what mounts work best for snowboarding?

I'm ok on a board (3rd time going) but not sure holding those poles/grip sticks will be a good idea - i've seen videos that looked awesome from a first person pov or looking back at them using the stick, but worried it'd put me off balance not having one arm.

I'm thinking a chesty mount or head strap mount.

Basically want something sturdy to take falls without coming off. Heard the included sticky adhesive mounts are hard to get off? i'd be hiring my helmet, board and bindings. Just BYO'ing my own pants and jackets so not sure if adhesive mounts would be a good idea as A) I can't get it off i'd have to leave it behind? B) Sounds like GoPros commonly get lost being knocked off these?

Happy to take any other good suggestions. Any websites to order online? Should I stick to GoPro official accessories or are those third party ones like Kaiser Baas worth the money you pay for?

Need them by 12-13th of March.


  • Hey mate - just got back from a week in Niseko.
    I rolled a Hero4 silver with a SP Works 36" pole. Footage is amazing and the pole is definitely the ONLY way to go.

    Helmet cam looks crap (about 10deg off centre and HEAVY!)
    Chest mount is looking entirely the wrong way and even if you could rotate it to face the front you'd see arms flapping around in front.

    We had 20 guys with about 8 or 9 gopros, all on poles. One pole broke but the GoPro was still attached so he didn't lose it. Two of the GoPro cases broke (hitting trees at pace) - but really, once you see the footage it is SO WORTH IT.

    That's my two cents worth anyway.
    If you want to see some of our footage PM me and I'll shoot you a Youtube link.

    • Hey, sure send me a PM with your link i'd be keen.

      It's my third time around so I wouldn't be up in trees and having that potential issue of hitting and snapping things off.

      That said, why do you think the helmet cam looks 10 deg off centre? Wouldn't this be adjustable based on your gopro straps for the helmet mount and moving the camera somewhat?? Still you would choose the helmet strap mount over the chesty mount?

      I'm only reluctant with the pole because of the fact that being my third time around I may take away some focus on boarding while trying to maintain footage of myself (and end up looking like a fool when I fall… haha :D)

  • I'd mounted mine near the nose of the board and during landings it would flex and fall off. I ended up putting it pretty close to my binding which helped for stability.
    I'd go a chest mount or stick if I were you

    • Thanks for the input! i've bought the chest mount and head strap accessories for now (and some fog inserts, camera tethers).

      Not sure how well these will work based on other users stating the angles and positioning of chest mount may not be that great. Seems only the pole's gotten the no #1 spot for best accessory for snowboarding :)

  • Definitely the pole. You can take videos from whatever angle. Easy to carry around and pretty hard for a gopro to detach from the pole…

    The chest mount is only good for skiing.

    Since you're hiring equipment, the adhesive mounts won't do you any good. You need to wait 24 hours for it stick properly before you use it. (at least thats what the instructions says…)

    Have fun in Japan!

    • Hi! Sorry for the delay - just noticed I had forgotten about this thread!

      You're right, maybe the adhesives isn't a great idea. I've bought the chesty (maybe not great as you said) but also the helmet strap given I can't use the helmet adhesive atm.

      I have the camera tethers too - wondering if it's worth using though since like you said, hire gear = most likely can't get it back off right? Then again I heard the sticky mounts for helmets and the strap can easily come off too if you stack it/hit something?

      And thanks - i'll have heaps of fun if hopefully the weather and snow holds out for this solo traveller… ;)

      P.S. I'm only reluctant to go pole as it will be my third time, i can go down reasonably, but not sure it's the best idea focusing on holding a pole/angles when still polishing my basics?

      • If its only your third time, then chest and helmet strap will be good for you. You don't have to worry about losing a pole or anything.

        You can use the 3-way adjustable pivot arm that comes with the gopro, and use it with the chest mount.
        So instead of the camera facing on the side when you ride, you can adjust it to make it face downhill. :)

        Good luck! My friend went last month and he said the snow condition was awesome! JAPOW!

        • Hi! I am back now and i used the helmet fully, i never tried the chest piece to be honest, maybe I should have, but i left the helmet one on as an easy one. I am abit curious what you mean by three way adjustable pivot arm though? On the helmet you could tighten it and still pivot the camera to face up/down more, but you cant turn the camera sidewards? Am I missing something???

          The snow was alot drier this month now in Hakuba, and in some resorts some ski down slopes had parts uncovered, however in general there was still plenty of snow to learn and make do with. I even had my third /last day a full blue bird day - bright blue skies, warm enough to take off my jacket at times, and a clear view from the mountains all the way down into the valley and around - it was amazing!!

          The footage isn't the 'best' in terms of of course your restricted to a head pov, and you can't see yourself and so you lose some perspective of speed watching the videos back, it definitely felt alot more exhilarating, harder and faster in person, but on camera it almost looks like you're having a leisurely ride haha. oh well, the main thing is the experience lives on in me forever! :)

        • Glad you had fun :)

          The 3 way thing is just this:

          Attach it with the base (helmet) mount and then gopro on the other end. It's a bit bulky though…

          Yeah my footage aren't too good either. Even though the run was really steep (for me), it looked like flat land on the gopro… :S

          Aus winter season is coming soon :D You should come to vic and experience the shit snow we have xP. If you're looking to go for another snow trip, New Zealand is quite good too.

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