Quick Question for Passport Renewals

Hi everyone,
In the near future I will need to renew my/get a new passport to go on student exchange and since this is the first time doing it (as my parents used to do it for me) I have a question about passport renewals.
It says on the site for a passport to be renewable the last passport must have been issued when I was 16 years of age or over.
I received my previous passport 2 months before turning 16.

Does this mean I need to get a new passport or can I still renew it as I?

I know this may seem like a silly question but I guess I just want to make sure…



  • +8

    If it states 16 years and over, that's what they mean. Two months may not seem like much however they have a cut off point and tend not be bend the rules at all. I would apply afresh. You could call the passport office or try the post office to get clarification.

    • +1

      Okay, thanks! Will do!

  • +1

    You cannot renew. I got mine a few weeks before turning 16 and had to make a new application 2 weeks ago - even if you try to renew the system will tell you that you cannot.

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