PayPal Currency Conversion

Hey guys, i'm expecting a paypal payment of USD and wondering about withdrawing it. I read that i can accept it in USD or get it converted to AUD when i receive it. Is it correct to assume if i get it converted to AUD they'll give me a horrible rate? Wondering if anyone know the most efficient way of taking the cash out is.


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  • +7

    The best way is to keep is in USD, then pay it out next time you buy something in USD

    • This is the best.

      At either way, you will lose some when you exchange USD to AUD.

      If must, get the check in USD and change that to whichever the bank presents the best exchange rate for you.

      Otherwise, you may try sell it to who needs USD in mid range exchange rate but since buyer needs to trust you, you'll have to look from close friends / relatives in vicinity.

  • Getting about 1000 USD so no chance I'll be using that anytime soon. Can you get a cheque from PayPal? Will deff look into that .

  • I can't seem to find an option to withdraw a cheque from paypal.

  • it might be a bit of a hassle with all the efforts, but you can try setup a us bank account which will allows to withdraw money in usd and then use the debit card supplied to get your funds out from an atm.…

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