Vodafone increases cost of phone insurance. Excludes non Australian residents

Got an email today from Vodafone advising that my phone insurance is increasing from $11 per month to $15 per month. Excess is changing from $225 to $300 and that non residents of Australia are no longer eligible for the insurance product.

Any one know of any good alternatives? I'll be upgrading soon and usually take the insurance but reckon it's gotten a bit steep now.

I am a citizen bit yeah the non resident thing I thought I would share for others who were maybe not aware of that change.


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  • +4

    Wow doesn't really seem worth it, even before the increase.

    • +1

      Agreed. I would rather get a good shock absorbent case and spend the money elsewhere.

    • Agreed..
      Especially with that Excess!
      After a year you'll have spent the equivalent to a new (China) phone just in Premiums!
      Add on the excess and you're into a midrange phone sourced locally.

  • +2

    It might be worth checking with your home and contents insurance to see how much more it'll cost to add your phone to the policy. Some policies already have cover for portable equipment already too.

    • but the excess on home insurance policies and losing no claim bonus make it a hard choice when it comes to making a claim for a phone

      • +1

        The two aren't directly comparable, but let's look at the worst-case scenario, i.e. the phone is lost or stolen.

        Vodafone's insurance has an excess too, which is 3x higher than my $100 excess for portable equipment with new-for-old cover. Some insurance companies have a $50 excess for portable equipment too.

        If you don't have NCB protection, moving down the NCB ladder shouldn't cost more than the $200 difference in excess.

        Vodafone's insurance is 15/month x 12 months = $180 a year. If you don't damage your phone in the first year, you'll probably be far ahead with home and contents insurance in this scenario.

        A quick summary:

        Vodafone's insurance

        • $15/month = $180/year

        • $125 excess to repair damage, e.g. cracked screen

        • $300 excess to replace a premium device (i.e. RRP more than $600) with a brand-new replacement. $200 for a refurb replacement.

        • Covers unauthorised calls up to $500

        • Covers accessories up to $100

        • Covers the account holder's single device only. Must inform Vodafone if you change phones.

        • If you have a valid claim, it includes $300 cover towards a phone if you need to hire or buy a temporary replacement while outside Australia

        • If you lose your phone in a house or vehicle fire, it is not covered.

        • If a child under 14 years old brings the device to school it is not covered.

        Home and contents insurance
        Depends on your provider of course. This is based on NRMA:

        • Phones and tablets (and cameras, laptops, etc) are already covered. Saves $180/year/device.

        • Every house member's devices will be covered automatically the moment it's purchased from anywhere without having to inform NRMA

        • $100 excess to repair damage or new-for-old replacement (assuming you selected the $100 excess option when signing up)

        • Accessories will be covered too

        • Free to change devices at any time

        • Claiming might affect your NCB and future premium

  • Health Insurance and I'm sure others generally more expensive for non residents.

  • Some credit cards include it

  • Why not consider Optus? $13p/mth with $50 repair or $150 replacement. They also don't care if the customer is a non resident.

  • +1

    Never had my phone insured. For an $800 device it seems a bit of a waste of money given that I've been using Smartphones since they were called PDAs (Atom Executive anyone?) and have never cracked a screen.

    My phone is on my Contents insurance, but that's only in case I lose everything (i.e. fire).

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