Little bit cheaper than I've ever seen before.
Fairly good last gen camera. Probably compares favorably in this price range.
Sertacv2 has found The Good Guys also offering it for $148-…
Little bit cheaper than I've ever seen before.
Fairly good last gen camera. Probably compares favorably in this price range.
Sertacv2 has found The Good Guys also offering it for $148-…
mate which microsd card are u using? do u really need an sanddisk extreme card, or is ultra ok?
Hey mate, I've been using a Sandisk Ultra micro sd. Same as my brother. Neither of us have had issues!
thanks mate!
Got mine 'for free' as a promotion with another Sony camera, but definitely worth more than $149. It's a great little action cam, with reasonable stabilisation and good quality images. The ability to control it via the PlayMemories app is also pretty neat. Only issue I had with it was moisture inside the protective case - next time I take it to the snow, I'll put some moisture absorbent packets in there.
A good tip which would apply to cameras in general.
Nice of you to add PS.
mate which microsd card are u using? do u really need an sanddisk extreme card, or is ultra ok?
I'm using an old 32Gb Samsung (…) which is 48mb/s and that seems to work fine. Doesn't need to be super fast as it's not recording in 4k. An Ultra - which is maybe 90mb/s - would be fine. An Extreme (maybe 60 mb/s?) should also be fine. It's always safer to go the fastest you can get of course, I just had the Samsung handy at the time and it worked.
this or GoPro1 for a dash cam?
Don't think action cameras work particularly well for dash cam duties. IIRC neither have functions to begin recording on power on (i.e. when USB power is applied when starting the car) or overwrite the old footage once storage is full.
A dedicated dashcam will work better.
thanks for the advice :)
Most can record over old footage. Tho it is off by default.
Record on power not so much as u ha e to manually do it and mounting can be a little tricky
Nokia 6220.
2.2 MP.
I bought it last year and was happy with it till one day I decided to take it out of the case and I dropped. The lens scratched near the middle, still usable but really pi$$ed me off.
I agree with one of the above posts that it does keep moisture in and you need to constantly clean it out.
Buy a few of those moisture absorbing pads and put one inside the case. GoPro cams also need those pads too, no different.
mate which microsd card are u using? do u really need an sanddisk extreme card, or is ultra ok?
anyone have any opinion on this vs gopro session?
I do have a sony phone
have seen this review…
which shows that the sony is quite good (besides not linking to android, ios, windows) one less micro and no remote and no timelapse
GoPro has more third party accessories and support. GoPro video also has warmer colour.
Sony video has cooler colour. It has the very useful anti-shake feature which the GoPro lacks. And at this price ($149) it is a much better buy than GoPro.
One of the main differences is the shape, it really changes how they mount to things.
It does work with android. I have an LG G3 and a Nexus 10 tablet and it works with both. The app did pop up a message last year about being incompatible with Android 6. A recent update now says that it's compatible with Android 6. I'm still on Android 5.x so I can't comment.
The Google Play store has plenty of messages about not working/crashing with various models of phone. If you care about Android support, perhaps search for reviews about your particular phone and OS combination. The app is called Sony Play Memories
I'd agree with Edfoo's comment. Antishake is good. This price is good.
The official helmet mount I bought was only $18 at video pro.
Downsides: It's much bigger/heavier than the GoPro session. To mount it, it must be in the case. The mount attachment screws into the back of the case. I would prefer if it screwed into the middle so the weight was balanced. It can only be used vertically so it would be better for side mounting. Check out the mounting options for your application and decide if it will work for you.
Thanks mate. I won't be Mounting it much. Mainly using it for the general recording. Like recording baby lol. Not sure if I wanna buy it, got a dslr and a eos m hmm lol. But so cheap
I really enjoy this camera and the available accessories. The only reason this deal is average is when compared to the Harvey Norman deal a few weeks back that saw the as200v selling for $149, now that's crazy.
Can't seem to find this deal for some reason. Do you have a link?
It was part of this deal read through the comments you will see the camera itself was selling for $148 during the Sunday.
It seems that AS200V is not much different from this AS20. Both only shoot 1080p, not 4K right?
Got the first gen one. Mounts terribly and thus shakes a lot.wouldn't recommend. Id get a cheap Chinese one or a contour instead
Also got the first gen (AS15), works excellent. Great quality (average at night) video, stability works really well. Mounts are lacking compared to GoPro, but then i only use the 2 that came with it and bought a couple cheap ones on ebay (suction & bar mounts).
For this price I'd go for it…unless you can find a 200v from the previous deal.
Would this be the best cam under $200? Or is there better?
is the battery removable?
Yes it is
Pretty sure I bought one of these for $99 last time dick smith had their sale
Is this the one that you have to remove from casing if you want to switch from photo to video? (Do all action cams require this?)
No need to remove it from the case to switch to and from photo or video. There are buttons on the case which actuate the buttons on the actual camera, so no functionality is lost with the case one.
Never heard of an action cam requiring this- would seem like a design inefficiency.
I must be thinking of the underwater casing then! And yes it is a major pain in the arse.
The good guys are selling this camera for $148 :D…
I was considering stopping by this weekend to pick up one of these as a replacement for my Contour Roam 3. My issue with the Roam is the lack of an external mic option. I use it as a helmet cam on my motorbike and after 40kmh all I get is wind noise.
From what I have read, on the Sony I can plug in an external mic and route it into my helmet to protect it from the wind noise. I realise that this is at the expense of the water proofing, but I generally don't do much riding or taping in the wet, and worst case scenario I have the contour to fall back on if I am out whilst raining. Thinking of using the Roam as a rearwards facing cam.
The camera itself has no tripod mount. It is on the case. If you were to plug in an ext mic, you would need to remove the case and find another way of mounting it. Or drill a hole into the case.
Sony offer a skeleton case which allows for a tripod mount whilst leaving the camera open for access to the mic jack. As expected there's no water proofing with this solution.
I do use this when using an external mic and it works fine.
you could Velcro a tripod mount onto bottom of the camera.
Any recommended mount pack and 3rd party batteries from ebay?
One of the better prices for sure. I picked mine up a couple of years back for $189 and got my brother one last Christmas for $99 at that ridiculous Dick Smith sale. For $149 it's miles ahead of the GoPro in that price range.