This was posted 9 years 8 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PlayStation Plus: Free Games for March 2016 (Membership Required)


Full Lineup

  • Broforce, PS4
  • Flame Over, PS Vita
  • Galak-Z, PS4
  • The Last Guy, PS3
  • Reality Fighters, PS Vita
  • Super Stardust HD, PS3

Mod: To be reminded of this deal when it starts, hit the NEW Reminder link below where you can auto-add this event to your Google Calendar, iPhone etc. as well as custom date OzBargain reminders.

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closed Comments

  • +17

    Oh yeah, that's pretty bad.

  • +2

    yup, get it together sony, scraping the bottom of the barrel this month… Maybe Ill wait till next month to sign up since i have lapsed

  • +11

    can I neg this deal due to the crappy lineup?

  • +4

    Just if you could put your PS+ on hold…

  • +9

    But bro force was voted for it must be what the users want…I think I voted for it, mainly because it seemed the less crap option out of three crap options.

    • +2

      Haha. Yeah as you stated… the less crapper title

    • Yeah. BroForce was voted but I (and prob everyone else) thought it was for the lesser indi type game and there would be an older A grade game given as well.
      Really poor line up and how unreliable our ps4 has been I am regretting buying it. Should have kept the ps3 and bought an xbox.

      • I've been a member of PS+ for about 6 months now. I can't think of any older A games that have been released in that time.

        • +1

          I've only had a ps4 since Dec. Been a psalms member for years for the ps3 and games for that have been fine. Disappointed with ps4 though.

        • +1

          @PVA: I have been a PS+ member for years as well. PS3 and PS Vita had really good AAA titles for PS+ members BUT after PS4 was released, we are getting less AAA titles for PS4 and PS Vita which is very disappointing.

          I am thinking of not renewing my PS+ members since I hardly play online (I normally play online games on PC), I was only after the free games for PS4 and PS Vita, but it has been really crap for more than a year now.

    • I voted and thought it would be a no brainer this game would lose. Action Henk and assault android cactus seemed like the better options…
      but i guess its still all meh at the end of the day.

  • Wow……just wow.

    PS Plus has gotten real sad.

    • I think it's cause people have come onboard now, no need to attract them like in the PS3 days… not to mention it being compulsory for online now. Also would be to do with PS4 in general being way infront on sales, what's the motivation for Sony to give AAAA games now…

      MS needs to entice, (like the backwards compatibility), Sony probably doesn't feel the need to.

  • Galak-z is a really good game.

    • +1

      the name is not

      • +3

        Especially if you aren't American and say correctly Zed and not Zee.

        • I read it as 'Galaks.'

  • +5

    PS4 had been out two & a quarter years. Many games have recently been $10-$20 at stores. Surely they can offer up something like Assassin's Creed Black Flag or Killzone, games that people probably wouldn't be buying now, at the very least to try and look good. They gave us drive club, injustice and infamous first light in 2014. Been pretty slim pickings on the non-indie front since then (though I did love rocket league). XB1 have surpassed them with their offerings.

    • +3

      I have both Xbox Gold and PS+. Xbox Gold is almost always better when it comes to it's free games. Lots of nice older classics - many of which I never bothered to play but happy to check it out for free like Gears of War 3 etc.

      • +1

        PS3 and PS Vita had so many good - great AAA titles for PS+ subscribers. I am not saying these free games for PS4 and PS Vita are not good, but it's definitely a let down for me.

        But you're spot on, I have both consoles and I also think that Xbox Gold is a lot better than PS+.

  • +4

    Maybe we've been spoiled. Maybe this is a crap line up. IMHO it's been crap for a while.

  • ARGH! This is so frustrating. I prefer HD games. I would unsubscribe from Playstation Plus, but I need it for other online games.

  • +2

    I thought we were heading towards kill zone, or knack or something, not junk like this…..

  • What a kick in the nads, purchased Galak-Z day one (and loved it!) and it's now with PSN+. That's a few months in a row now.. sigh

    • +1

      Don't buy anything then! ;)

  • +1

    I've stopped subscribing for 13 months now, and haven't regretted it since. I have 3 years of prepaid membership waiting to be activated but they haven't given me a reason to. The sales for Plus has been abysmal too, no reason to get Plus discounts when standard membership discounts are reasonable.

    • I agree with the game part but I also want the auto updates when in rest mode, auto save game uploads etc, you need PSplus for all that.

    • I disagree with the Plus discounts - but then again I have a US PSN membership specifically because the US sales are better.

  • PS+ gave Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare for free and I will be forever grateful.
    The GF has put 300+ hours into that game which in turn has given me the gift of time.
    Thank you Sony

    • Actually it was free for everyone courtesy of EA, although it wouldn't be much of a game if you didn't have PS+.

      I think about the only thing I got out of having PS+ over the last year was being able to play through my backlog of decent PS+ games. Oh, and Rocket League.

  • +2

    Before PS4 was released, PS3 and PS Vita had so many great AAA titles for PS+ subscribers but now…..

    • +1

      It's probably the case that now you need PS+ for MP they feel they can just throw up any old crap.

      • Yeah, I also think that would be the case here especially with the number of PS4 sold worldwide, they are getting cocky again just like how they thought they could get away with selling PS3 at a very expensive price tag on launch after the success of PS2.

        Not many of my friends get PS+ nowadays and we usually play on PC and Wii U or on Xbox One by myself since none of my friends own Xbox One.

  • I'm keen to play Galak-Z and Bro Force, so this is actually a pretty good month for me. Would be nice to have a AAA release in there as well, but I don't really expect that any more. People talking about how much better Xbox Gold lineup is… March is pants, really. Lord of the Fallen is limp, Sherlock is nothing, the janky 360 port of Sup Com 2, and old arse 360 Borderlands 1. Mehhhh.

  • +1

    Well, I'm happy.

    I didn't have:
    Broforce, Flame Over, Galak-Z or The Last Guy. All high scoring games.

  • +1

    Would be good if there was at least one AAA game for PS4. Last few months have all been bad, here's hoping they pick better ones next month.

  • +1

    terrible. and this month xbox get 4 non-indie games with gold (plus, you know, 2-step account security and dedicated servers)

  • another month of utter tripe.
    Sony have buggered the PS4 rightly.

    • -2

      Don't believe that's a valid reason to neg.

  • -1

    that's not a deal

    • -1

      They're allowed every month, get over it.

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