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Vietnamvisa Offer Special Deals up to $15 Welcoming Vietnam Reunification Day


Vietnamese pepole are happily welcoming the celebration of 41 years since the reunification day (30.04.1975 - 30.04.2016) and start the 4-day holiday break lasting from 30/04/2016 to 03/05/2016.
For the convenience of international visitors to visit and work in Vietnam during our holiday, Vietnamvisatour.com – Thiencam Investment.,Jsc offers a bonus of the Airport fast track services – Normal ($15/Pax) for visitors, expected to enter Vietnam from 15/03/2016 to 15/05/2016, apply for visa letter through company official website: vietnamvisatour.com

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closed Comments

  • +9

    Hi op, title is misled
    it is Invasive Day mate

    • +1

      Just like australia day…

    • +1

      More like Pull Out Day

  • +1

    It's commie lingo for, let's commemorate "North Plunders South Day"!

  • +2

    It is INVASIVE DAY.Too many people died because of the North Communist.Its a SAD day for Vietnam.
    Myself never recommend people travel to Vietnam . from local research every year over 80,000 people got CANCER 75% to 95% are come from FOOD , FRUIT and Vege……

    • -1

      Hi Brucet,

      Thank you for comment, Vietnamese people always favour peace and we had to resist the forces of invaders. In reality, Vietnam is one of the countries with exstremely good security, and visitors coming to Vietnam never have to worry about terrorist attacks.

      • "Vietnamese people always favour peace and we had to resist the forces of invaders." .

        You mean the South Vietnamese had to resist the forces of the North invaders!!!

      • +1

        visitors coming to Vietnam never have to worry about terrorist attacks.

        True, they only have to worry about being kidnapped by organised crime gangs.

        • Having to worry about robbery and thief as well bro. And yes, it's definitely invasive day, because what would you do if you invade another country? You would take all the good things back to your place and it happended exactly as that.

        • +1

          What rubbish, I went with my wife and young family of 3 girls (under 11 yo) and we had the best time ever.

          Yes I HATED the politics, the HCM War Remnants Museum was Vietnamese Communist propaganda against the US (and Allies) in 2015 but I still enjoyed the history.

          But the FOOD and the people are beautiful. Vietnam is a new breakout tourism destination, maturing rapidly (good enough for our family in June 2015). In our opinion it's better that Thailand and Bali (two places we've been to twice).

          You need to get over the politics (and I guess morals of the war 40 years ago) and enjoy Vietnam in 2016. Even for those in the south who fled Vietnam now is different to 40 years ago although I totally understand why they may not be inclined to 'celebrate' this date.

        • @hanger7: What rubbish. Just because you have a good time with your family does not invalidate the opinions of those who have a negative experience of the country or the fact that there is lots of crime in Vietnam.

          If your family wasn't torn apart by that war and is still trying to deal with it to this day, you have no right to tell those affected to get over the politics. Do you think we don't know how much Vietnam has changed in 40 years? That doesn't make it a positive thing for us.

        • @hanger7:

          What rubbish, I went with my wife and young family of 3 girls (under 11 yo) and we had the best time ever.

          YOU didn't have a problem, so therefore there is no issue? Nice logic champ. I don't know why you even bothered replying with all that, everyone turned off listening after your first sentence.

        • +1

          I sense much anger in you. I guess you had a bad experience?

          From my experience of Vietnam, I'd certainly recommend it as a holiday destination. Very friendly and welcoming people. Both in the cities, and the countryside, where I spent a week cycling around the Mekong delta. So many people calling out hello as we cycled by. So many bowls of pho consumed in varied street shops. Fresh, sweet, silken tofu, sold by ferry ramps, waiting for the ferry to cross the channel. Iced sugar cane drink, after a morning of riding in hot humidity. Even the occasional propaganda poster proudly displayed as we rode along. Certainly the sight of pigs lassoed to the carry platform on the backs of motorbikes. Good times.

          Of course, having said that, I did meet one girl from Holland who did have her purse snatched. I recommend not carrying a purse over there.

  • How much do visas cost, OP?

    • Hi, Voteoften

      Total fee for visa one month single entry: $40 ( Include: $15 service fee and $25 Stamping fee at the airport )

  • -2

    Never go there mate.

  • -4

    Too much hate from those butthurts that still harbor the the hatred from the past.

    you guys cannot do anything about it anymore, might as well let the post be what it is for, informing everyone about a deal, granted not the best deal but a deal is a deal. Let up please, nothing you can do to bring back your part of the country.

    • Don't mind the deal, but let's call a spade, a spade.

      Newspeak doesn't sit well with most people.

      You're welcome to drop by the Parliament House in Canberra, or any Vietnamese shopping district, every 30th April.

      Guess who's flag is on display on the day?

      It's not hatred, but injustice.

    • We lucky as to be here in OZ and have ozbargains, but we got family back there still doing it tough. things have gone downhill for them since the war.
      I saw this 'reunification day' parade pictures at the museum there, it was a good laugh and mad waste of $1USD to go in.

  • I am assuming that 'Dollars' is US Dollars !!

    • For Vietnam, when they say Dollars, it's always US Dollars. Though they at least use their native currency (the Dong) for most things.

      In Cambodia, just next door, they have a dual currency system, where US dollars are used for big denominations, and the local currency (the Riel) is used for small change. It's quite usual to receive a combination of both currencies when you receive change from a purchase. It can get a bit annoying.

  • +1

    if only those commie jungle bastards didn't takeover…so sad.

  • +1

    Who actually celebrates Victor Charlie day?

  • +3

    This is the equivalent of saying that all Japanese celebrate the day Japan conquered Korea/China or that all Russians celebrate when Russia annexed Crimea. In Australia it is a celebration only for a small minority of Vietnamese communist sympathisers who are still trying to hang on the idea of being proud of being a communist lol. Everyone else does not care / violently objects to such a statement. Therefore just dont mention it next time and your deal wont all the negs.

    Also note from the official Vietnam government visa site to avoid using such sites. Read for yourself:


    Personally, i'd just go to any travel agent in a vietnamese suburb to get the job done. The websites are basically run by people who are connected into workers who work at the embassies and are receiving special deals / kickbacks / not following the proper processes for doing so. For example, worker at the Vietnamese embassy processes extra visas at a special family/mates rate and then they share the difference with the reseller.

    That's how communist society works folks and why those who are connected get rich while whoever is not has no option but to suck it up.

    • +2

      You seem to have the knowledge about the system hey, well said mate

    • +1


  • +1

    Rep.. so for $40 this includes the letter of permission to enter the country plus the visa fee and includes fast track? Ignore the above offline comments- Vietnam I have been to twice and outside of the two main cities the people are the most welcoming and friendly I have encountered

    • Yup, 40usd is Included visa approval letter 1month single entry, stamping fee and fast track service at the airport.

      • You quoted $40 (in that text) before which on an Australian website would indicate AUD but its USD $40= AUD55.80. Still a good deal… approx (in USD) $17-20 for letter of permit + $25 upon arrival but you throw in the fast track. Good deal

  • +1

    The fast track service at the airport is well worth it. I've flown to HCMC several times in the last couple of years and each time the wait at the airport has been a few minutes at most, but last time I arrived at a peak arrival time and had to wait close to an hour. The fast track guys were in and out in minutes!

  • DFAT is recommending Vietnamese visas be obtained directly through a Vietnamese Embassy or Consulate rather than online or through a travel agent due to recent identity thefts:

    "Visa scams:
    The Australian Government has received reports of scams involving online visa applications and applications through travel agents for a ‘visa on arrival’ approval letter. The Australian Government is also aware of reports of applicants’ personal details being made public after applying for a ‘visa on arrival’ approval letter, either online or through a travel agent.
    Due to these risks, the Australian Government recommends that you apply for a visa for Vietnam directly from the nearest Embassy or Consulate of Vietnam."


    • I don't know about vietnamvisatour.com but you can check them out on tripadvisor. I have done visa-on-arrival dozens of times through other agents without a problem. Always without fast track, but stamping has always taken under an hour. Definitely beats the time and cost of 2 trips to the consulate.

  • OP, how do we get the fast track? There is nothing mentioned on your website about this desk. Thanks.

  • To get the fast track, you only need apply online via our website: vietnamvisatour.com and enter Vietnam from 15/03/2016 to 15/05/2016
    " for visitors, expected to enter Vietnam from 15/03/2016 to 15/05/2016, apply for visa letter through company official website: vietnamvisatour.com "

    • Dear Sir, To get the fast track, you only need apply online via our website: vietnamvisatour.com and enter Vietnam from 15/03/2016 to 15/05/2016
      " for visitors, expected to enter Vietnam from 15/03/2016 to 15/05/2016, apply for visa letter through company official website: vietnamvisatour.com "

      • I'm arriving on the 15th, what do I do if I show up and there is nobody with a signboard with my name on it?

  • OP, I see that your company has an option to get a private VISA. If I book and pay for two people and request private letter, can we arrive on different days? Or do we have to be travelling together?

  • I booked through them and they are now offering a free ride into the city.

    • No free ride, but they did as promised. Do not use the telephone kiosk they recommend. I was supposed to receive 15 days Internet. I only got 5.

  • $US15 for Fast Track and Visa on arrival sounds like a great deal to me. Then it should only take about 10 minutes at the airport, and then straight through Immigration. You would probably get to your baggage quicker than those who have visas done at Aust Vietnam Consulates (paying more). For info, the taxi fare Saigon Airport to city is less than 200,000vnd ($A11). BTW certain passport holders (eg UK) may not need visas, depending on the period of your stay.

  • its charging me $58 for 2 people for one month single entry is this correct? and an additional charge for car to city?

    • Hi Keen Bargain Hunter, Thank for your comment. With our service, you need to complete 2 required kinds of fee:

      • Service Fee: $14/Pax ( $28 for 2 people )
      • Stamping Fee (visa stamp fee at the airports): $25/pax ( $50 for 2 people )
        So total fee for 2 people: $28 + $50 = $78.

      And when you apply with us, we will support you extra service:

      Airport fast track services:

      It takes you only 15 or 20 minutes instead of 1 hour waiting as normal. Our staff is arranged to wait for you at the Immigration area holding a board with your name on it. Then, you can give your passport and stamping fee to our staff who is responsible for all the required procedures and bring back to you your passport with visa stamp. The only thing you need to do wait for the identification processing.

      I hope the above information will be useful to you.

  • this is extremely confusing can you send the links please. -me and my partner are traveling from syd - Singapore then hopefully onto Vietnam (about 14 May, then perhaps Phuket, or heading back to Singapore then Sydney.
    I am of the assumption that we would need a visa in Vietnam. Can you please confirm and send the links.

    • +1

      Hi Keen Bargain Hunter

      We are sorry for the inconvenience, yes of course, you need a visa to entry Vietnam, and please check below link to see detailed price table:


      With our service, we will arrange visa approval letter for you, and you only need print it before go to the airport. When you arrival Vietnam, our staff will pick-up you with a board with your name on it.

    • +1

      KBH, Normally Aust Passport holders need to either have a Visa in your passport, or you need a pre-approval letter for a 'Visa on Arrival'. With the VOA letter you then go to the VOA counter and lodge the letter with your passport and payment of $US40. And wait (my experience 20 - 45 minutes) However these agents will take care of pre-approval letter for a 'Visa on Arrival', and meet you at the airport, and fast track the lodgement of the letter with your passport and payment of $US40. Rumour has it that Vietnam may, sometime in the future, exempt Aust. PP holders, for short visits.

  • is it the same if I have a nzl passport? I mean the process / application?

  • hi I filled in visa application through your website - I have receipt after paying
    how do I get approval letter?
    and arrange other services

    • Dear Sir

      Thank you for applied with us

      We received your application with booking code

      We will arrange visa approval letter and send it to your email before 18h00 04th May 2016

      About the fast track service, please inform us your flight information to Vietnam, our staff at the airport will pick you up follow your information you supply:

      • Name of Airport arrival: Ha Noi airport or Da Nang airport or Tan Son Nhat airport ?

      • Date of arrival:

      • Flight number:

      Please send all above information to us through email: [email protected]

      Best regard

      Ms Daisy

  • how do I pay for stamp fee?

    • Hi Keen Bargain Hunter

      For visa one month single entry, you must pay 25usd/People at the Vietnam Airport ( Stamp fee )

  • thank you

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