Want to Buy a Bluetooth Earpiece

HI All, we've just started a new business and our work ute does not have a bluetooth stereo. I am thinking the cheapest option is to buy a bluetooth earpiece.

Do you have any recommendations. I am looking at comfort, durability and definitely price as we are only just starting up.

Any advice would be awesome because this is not something we've had to look at before.


  • Been in the same boat.

    Points to consider:

    1. Bluetooth earpiece costs from $20 to $200. Quality varies. Some mono, some digital.
      Jabra is pretty good.
      Regardless to price and quality, found my problem was kept losing earpiece.
      If buying cheap one, the quality is poor.
      If buying expensive, it hurts if it is lost.

    2. Feel warm and uncomfortable to keep the earpiece on all the time.

    But taxi drivers use them, so it has to work.

    Alternatively, can convert to wireless Bluetooth through one of these [transmitter]

    or El cheapo on ebay. Example only.

    Other may have better suggestions, as tech changes all the time.
    Want to know too.

  • Moto Hint if money was no issue, but you can buy decent ones off eBay if you look hard enough:)

  • Apple is due to announce a dual set of earpieces soon according to the rumour mill.

    the huawei B1 and B2 talkbands look interesting. you wear it like like a watch for the time and notifications then it unclips from the band and you stick it in your ear.

    http://www.bragi.com/ has had good reviews, again a dual earpeice

    the dual earpeices are the next big thing. get used to seeing people wearing them all day because they will let you do your phone/music business, but also filter through peoples speech while reducing ambient noise.

    • They look awesome, and now I seriously want them! But out of our budget for the business atm, plus could see them easily getting misplaced or stolen during his daily work, $300 USD tech a bit much to have have hanging around in a crappy work ute 😊

      • actually, i got a spare unused blueant rugged T1 if you want to make an offer. Mine got lost in the post and this was the replacement they sent. ended up getting a decent pair of earphones instead before i got their mail

        • Thanks Shroom but I think we are gonna look at the portable speaker things..

  • What sort of work cars? Thought of just fitting Bluetooth kits to the stereo?

    Earpieces would require each driver to have their own for health reasons

  • We r a single person business, so no issues with health …have considered a new stereo but more cost involved plus installation, plus it is also a crappy ute we are hoping to upgrade in the next 12 months so I am thinking not to sped $$ on it.

  • http://www.dicksmith.com.au/mobile-phone-accessories/plantro…

    On special at the moment, but best to go in store to pick one up.

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