This was posted 9 years 12 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Some Stores] Ergobaby 360 Carrier $149.99 at Toys R Us (Normally $239.99)


Update #2: people i know the online deal has finished but if you still interested, worth it to give your local store a call!!!

I bumped into this deal when I was shopping online for ergo 360 carriers, all 3 colors are on special at the price of 149.99, not sure if it's online only, though can not find any information about this deal else where. Their current catalog price is $209, I think, only $30 discount. I brought a grayish color one, can show the invoice if anyone interested, paid 9.95 for p&h, though saw another deal on this site saying if you enter Pomo code FREE, you will get free postage for anything over $99. Can not find information about the start and end date of this dealI

Update: black color ones are out of stock, I've changed the link to the grey color carriers.

Update #2: people i know the online deal has finished but if you still interested, worth it to give your local store a call!!!

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Toys R Us

closed Comments

  • +3

    don't need it but just voted as I know for a fact that this is the best out there…

    • Thanks :)

    • -1

      We've found the Babybjorn One to be great.

      Slightly higher aggregate review score on productreview with more than double the amount of reviews too.

      We didn't look at the reviews though, just tried a few at the pbc expo.

      Our baby is 3 months tomorrow โ˜บ

      Good price on this one though

      • +2

        The thing i most like about the ergobaby is that it's structured so that knees are either inline or above hips

        • +1

          Also, generally the Ergo range predominantly distributes the babies/toddlers weight on parents hips, rather than mostly on the back, like Babybjorn

        • @ndagudbargain:

          Hmm, I have quite a bad lower back and bought the Bjorn because it caused less strain than the Erogbaby when I tried it. The Bjorn was also easier to put on without someone else to assist.

          For the newborn the Ergobaby also had some annoying pocket thing which the BabyBjorn didn't need

        • @conan2000:
          Interesting. Maybe the newer Bjorns are designed differently. When I was researching them a few years ago most models only attached/locked to the back and not around the hips.
          It does take a little practice to lock the top buckle on the Ergo but it's doable. The pocket has a "hood" to cover baby's head from sun, wind, rain. It had a tiny bit of room left to tuck in a dummy so worked well for us.

        • @ndagudbargain:

          yes i used to have an older Bjorn, which put all the weight on my shoulders… would start having pains about 1hr in… (tho, must say it was alot quicker/easier to put on)

          switched to an ergobaby and i could carry for the whole day no problem at all..

          i did notice the newer Bjorns are now like the ergobaby models (copied/designed similarly)

        • @ndagudbargain:

          We bought it about 5/6 weeks ago and the Bjorn does clip around the hips as well. It takes less than 10 seconds to have it on and fastened (pre-putting baby in).

          We figured the pocket thing would be pretty terrible in summer as it was another layer around the baby on hot summer days.

        • @conan2000:
          Nice. Good to hear Bjorn has updated their design. Ergo is about 10secs as well, pre-baby. Once you get the hang of it, it's no big deal. We've done Bali with a 7 months old in an Ergo and can't say the zipper pocket added any heat. We used the Ventus, which had the most air flow at the time. Sounds like you are as happy with your Bjorn purchase as we are with our Ergo.

    • -6

      No wonder kids are so lazy today - these things should include space for for a 3L coke, a bag of maccas, and a game boy

      The transition form lazy baby to lazy child will be much smoother this way

      • +2

        Pointless your comment is pointless, does your 3 month old walk, drink coke or eat maccas?

        • -2

          Nah hes grown out of kids stuff - hes runs to he pub for a few pints and a parma / steak sanga

  • What's the maximum age limit for these carriers?

    • What can you dead lift at the gym?
      They go off weight, not age, due to the differences in childrens age to weight ratios.

  • Up to 15 kg, didn't say about age limit

  • -1

    brought a grayish color one

    Where to?

    Sorry, had to laugh at that typo!
    Don't forget to add in the Pomo code too!

    • +1

      Hahaha ๐Ÿ˜€

    • -1

      You've been pretty savage in this thread.

      • -1

        I prefer the term, informative.

  • -2

    Ergobaby 360 Carrier $149.99

    Doubt you could fit more than two

    • But at least you could do a 360 and walk away from your baby.

      • +2

        But you'd walk back into your baby doing a 360

  • -1

    Showing out of stock now.

    • Try other colours, they are still on sale

  • +4

    A lot of good deals at Toys r Us on baby stuff at tht moment. I got a Meldela swing double electric pump for $350 down from $400 then when i went in a week later (Friday) they were $300.

    Was after one for a while so it's the cheapest I've seen it.

    A lot of other stuff was decent as well compared to other baby stores.

    • Yeah and if you price match with them u get 10 pet cent off too

  • +1

    Best baby carrier in my opinion bought one last year. No back aches.

  • +3

    Awesome. Wife and I were actually going out specifically to buy one of these today.

    Managed to get the last one at Kensington. No more on stock now.

    Thanks op.

  • +1

    Can confirm the sale is also in store in Canberra majura park. We picked up a gray one

  • +1

    Free shopping online use code FREE

    • Free shopping awesome!

      How much is delivery?

      • I paid 9.99

    • Free shipping … Error

  • Thanks OP, just ordered the grey with FREE shipping code. ๐Ÿ‘

  • -1

    Bought a Manduca one recently off ebay for 90 bucks. Pretty happy with it so far. Not sure why I would spend the extra $60 for this one.

    • +1

      The biggest difference is that you can put bub in the Ergo forward facing. I have both and probably perfer the Ergo over the Manduca one now.

    • New or used? My wife was also considering this.

      • Catch of the day often has the original (non-360) for 120 new.

    • Why would you waste your time read and comment in this thread?

  • For those who have bought this deal does this come with the infant insert?

    • Nope, that the bundle of joy

    • +1

      No, the one comes with an insert calls bundle of joy, which is not on special at the moment, but the insert itself is on special at toysrus

    • Nope, the infant insert was an extra $35 at Babies R Us

  • +1

    sold out :(

    • Yup, all colours out of stock online as at 18:48 Sun AEDST, looks like.

  • -2

    Man, they make you pay through the nose for having a kid. $150 (on sale!) for an ugly belt with a baby pocket. Yikes.

  • I just bought one (ie 15mins ago) at the Gepps Cross (SA) store for $149.99 - that was the sale sticker price :) Only grey & green available.

    • +1

      I took a photo of the price sticker - will upload if I can figure out how :) The sticker says that the price is valid from 19/02/16-01/03/16

      • i will drive around tomorrow, trying to find one in store. if you dont like it, can you return it?

      • Thanks for the information, i have updated the original post so more people can benefit from this deal โ˜บ

  • if anyone would like to buy a brand new insert for this let me know, as I have an unused one from a previous deal.

  • Purchased Saturday night, arrived Monday afternoon๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

  • Baby bunting has the bundle for $199 but this is a better deal. Friends have told me infant insert is useless but will get one for $35.
    Saw that babies r us - Moorabin (vic) had lots of stock and I think they were all gray. Also if u don't have babies r us nearby or you want the black one, target stocks them now and will price match.

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