In Targets easter catalouge starts Thursday the 25th march.
Usual price for the this Console and Pure/Batman lego ranges from $380 - $450.
This also Includes Forza Motorsport 3 and Halo3 ODST games.
So not bad for target!
In Targets easter catalouge starts Thursday the 25th march.
Usual price for the this Console and Pure/Batman lego ranges from $380 - $450.
This also Includes Forza Motorsport 3 and Halo3 ODST games.
So not bad for target!
Well with that one you have a 250Gb LE engraved Hard drive and an extra Controller, Buts its white. Dragon age is a bit boring as well.
If your planning on collecting games and getting on Xbox live I would go the FF bundle for the extra.
Hmm I don't think we can use the extra controller for the FF, but not sure for the Dragon age..
Yeh, extra controller not so relevant for those games, but would be for other multiplayer games. I personally rate the FF bundle very highly.
hey ninja, dragon age is not boring at all. it is one of the best rpg games produced so far.
both ff13 and dato are top rated, while in the target's bundle Pure and Batman are really sxxt. halo3 odst is known for its dated graphic. only the forza 3 is attractive.
Leiiv, if you are not a fan of Halos, i would suggest you to go for the FF bundle. it also comes with an extra controller.
I hope a nice Wii deal is coming up on its way.
or i'll just get an xbox…..
get the xbox :P
At the great risk of getting neg-ged into oblivion, I second that. Unless you're a chick. Wii has an undeniable draw on chicks.
All the more reason he should get the Wii.
nice price, but I'm still waiting for a good PS3 deal (probably bundled with GTA4 Episodes from liberty city which is coming on Mar 30th).
Best Bet is Buying a 250gb PS3 with the play bundle for about $560 then selling off the play TV for $130- $150.
Agreed, better console, tends not to die plus its makes an awesome media station that plays everything. Matched with the Playtv if kept and you have a HD PVR. My 360 hasnt been turned on in 12 months since i got my PS3, until a 360 only game comes out.
"coming on Mar 30th"
Good luck with that.
With the price Xbox 360's are ($200-300 arcade, $400 elite), I find it pretty damn ridiculous that Nintendo are able to keep their $400 Wii price.
but the wii has a darker side!!!
jb hifi is $14 more and comes with bioshock as well if you want an alternative deal
Yeah that looks like a better deal Bioshock is supposed to be a great game, thanks!
I just purchsed the Kmart deal ( from JB Hifi - they price matched their $399 deal for $388 incl. bioshock.
looks like EB has taken a stance as well.…
ermm yeah check out the link i posted it lists all the suppliers that have this deal… including jb.,..
If I trade the 5 games with the Elite at either EB or GAME how much will the base unit end up costing me?
How does this compare with FF bundle from EB Games (