Citibank Priority Pass - Charged for Lounge

I had used my 2 free entries, and was about to travel when my new membership card arrived. Expiry date was in 12.5 months henceforth. And so I used it to enter a lounge. Only later to find that I was charged for entry. My assumption is that my 'new' '2 free entries' had not yet started. I am not too worried about this, but I thought that I would give all a 'heads-up'. Cost was $US27 ($A 39.84) Unfortunately, and ever since becoming a member, I have not been able to sign into my PP account, in spite of a lot of contact with PP to fix it.

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  • I got charged, call citibank, they would not budge

    I cancelled the card ASAP, as the information is misleading

    • +1

      Of course Citibank would not budge. Your problem is with Priority Pass, not Citibank.

  • +1

    You really need to log into your Priority Pass account (or if you still have problem, try their phone app). Once inside, you will have access to all the information you will ever need, including the exact dates of your annual membership. The free 2 entries is per membership year, so you need to see if your 3 visits are actually within 1 membership year (to the exact dates). If they're not, send Priority Pass an email and they will reverse the charge.

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