The NEW Ghostbusters Coming Soon

I am wondering what you guys think about the new Ghostbusters movie.

Does having feminism ruin it?

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  • +2

    Having female leads instead of male, doesn't make it a feminist movie

    • Sure it does. Just like most hetero porn is feminist.

    • +1

      Depends on whether all the ghosts are male :p

  • Does having feminism ruin it?

    No, it will still be utter rubbish.

    • I walked out of the cinema during ghostbusters 2. Total shite

  • I don't think having female leads will ruin it.. but I don't get why they do these things to promote feminism.
    It's just a movie for people to watch for enjoyment and the characters were male to start off with, so not just continue with what it was?

    If the characters were female to start off with and they were changed to males in this movie, there'd be an outcry from the feminists.

    I don't have a problem with equality, but sometimes it seems like people go too much out of their way to push it.

  • +3

    I dont think it matters if you have male or female leads, even in iconic remakes like this. All that matters is the chemistry between the leads and the writers ability.
    They are making an all female cast Oceans 11 style movie aswell lead by Sandra Bullock coming out, the onset chemistry between the crew is critical to the success and has nothing to do with the gender.

  • I have low expectations and I think most people do.

  • Full Monty needs new cast

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