Not sure if this is the right forum to post to - in Perth there's a store called Perth Comics Centre that's closing down and have advertised 25% off everything. However before this "sale" kicked off they've put new higher-priced stickers on everything to be sure everyone who buys there gets ripped off, in some cases making the "discount" price more expensive than their regular price. They're not even subtle about it - if you look at any of their action figures or books, you can plainly see the old sticker through the new one. Is this illegal, and if so who do we contact?
Perth store closing down offers "25% off everything" but then puts higher-priced stickers on their items - is this illegal?

Too much spare time?. Move along… Nothing to see here
make sure they not 25% off RRP. Example RRP - $100, normal price - $70, Closing down sale price 25% off RRP $75 This is still legal they're not breaking the law, dodgy as but legal
Went to Perth Comics Centre once, all the comics are overpriced.
They are already closing down…what else are you hoping to do? Just don't buy there.
You are an OzBargainer. Wait until everything is 75% off.
That would be misleading advertising wouldn't it?
Kogan got hit by ACCC recently for similar conduct, inflating their prices during the eBay sale.…
Only if they return the selling price to the previous discounted price after they close down :)…
Maybe try Consumer Protection
You can make complaints…