This was posted 9 years 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

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Arnotts Tim Tam Espresso Martini, Pina Colada, Strawberry Champagne $1.82 @ Woolworths

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New Tim Tam and half price at the moment.

Not sure if the Pina Colada actually have wine in it?


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closed Comments

  • Interesting flavours.

  • +2

    i'd not eat the strawberry champagne ones for $1.82 never mind paying for them thy're revolting!

    the espresso ones taste like the coffee ones they released last year.

    • the espresso ones taste like the coffee ones they released last year.

      Three bean? I like that one but was hopping Espresso Martini was a different flavour. Still, for $1.82 still worth trying out :)

    • yeah stay away from them..! don't like em

    • yeah don't even bother with the espresso. piña colada is easily the best, strawberry champagne I think are okay. they have a strong wine-ish smell and taste a bit like strawberry poptarts I'd say.

  • +2

    If you pay attention to the package it says virgin pina colada

  • The strawberry champagne is not so great. Will still eat them but would not buy again.

  • +1

    I'm not sure why you think it would have wine:
    "Tim Tam Pina Colada – pineapple, coconut and rum flavoured cream with classic Tim Tam biscuit and milk chocolate"

    • -1

      "Tim Tam Pina Colada – pineapple, coconut and rum flavoured cream with classic Tim Tam biscuit and milk chocolate"

      Just because of the name Pina Colada.

      • +6

        I think perhaps what GregFiona was getting at is that Pina Coladas are made with rum, not wine.

        Thanks, keen to try the espresso martini ones. Have tried the strawberry champagne ones and they are too sweet for my palate!

        • +3

          made with rum, not wine.

          Ha Ha .. in my dictionary wine = all alcohol

  • I was also curious to know if they have alchohol in them. I looked at the ingredients and did not find any obvious alchohol. Not sure if "rum flavoured" means tiny bit of real rum, or artificial non-alchoholic flavouring.

    • +2

      No alcohol - they're "virgin" flavours.

    • they don't.
      The old Tia Maria tim tams did, and so did the rum & raisin.
      I think it's a bit disappointing they took it out.
      Even if it would take 500 packets to have 1 standard drinks worth of alcohol.

      • So an achievable amount.

    • +2

      Just like the Peanut Butter ones aren't made using any peanuts. This just bugs me more than it should and I refuse to buy them.

      • You're not missing out, they're pretty bad. I mean they're not "spit them out" bad, but they're missing the essential Tim Tam "would eat the entire packet" ingredient.

    • It's easier and cheaper to simulate the flavour of rum with a one of two simple molecules, just like they do for most fruit flavours.

  • +3

    Pina Colada = very sugary pineapple taste
    Strawberry Champagne = very sugary strawberry taste

  • +2

    After what they did with peanut butter flavour (shonky award 2014), I can't trust them anymore.

    • +1

      I didn't think it was that bad! :-)
      If I recall correctly, it might even be less sweeter than usual (which is great - tim tams in general are too sweet).

      If only they will come up with tim tams reduced sugar versions.

      • +2

        I feel cheated there's no peanut in it and smaller too.
        Very likely this time just artificial flavour too n sugar

        • Agree :-) Before tasting, I also thought perhaps there would be real peanuts (which would have been great).

        • I can't beleive the amount of products now using "fake" flavour rather than the actual ingredient.
          Its not as if real peanut (for example) would be that expensive & they must lose so many sales when it just doesn't taste quite right.

        • +1

          @Gaz1: peanuts aren't expensive,thats not the issue. The issue is dealing with allergies and making sure the rest of your products don't get cross-contaminated.

        • @yaziyo: Good point, didn't think of that.

  • They are also halfprice at Coles

    • Chocolate banana ones for some reason don't like being used as straws I've found…

  • Really like the Chocolicious Velvet Mudslide flavour. Only in the small size pieces I think.
    Love the explosion of liquid chocolate flavour in the mouth.
    Very indulgent!

    • Thanks. Will try this, if it is also $1.82.

      • Sorry - No. Not $1.82 as they are different to the usual Tim Tam sizes.
        They are little bite size pieces.
        Currently $3.99 a bag (191g) at Woolworths.

        • Thanks for the info. Will keep an eye out for when they come on special.

        • Finally 1/2 price at woolworths, so got a pack of the velvet mudslide to try. They are as good as you described :-)
          I seemed to taste alchohol in these. Is it just flavoring, or real alchohol, do you know? Thanks.

    • yeah theyre not bad! $$$ though

    • I wasn't a fan of them, but in the freezer, they're quite nice

  • The Pina colada ones are pretty great.

  • My patience paid off! Unfortunately it wasn't worth the wait… tried espresso martini and it wasn't that great. Coconut & Double stuff still my fav.

  • No bloody mary flavour Arnotts?? Expect a strongly worded letter from me soon Arnotts!

  • I still remember the controversy when Arnotts first released some liqueur-flavoured Tim Tams.

    • What might the controversy be? If it was because they had alchohol, surely as long as they were clearly labelled as such, it would be fine. Unless the controversy was about something else?

  • Too bad they taste so bad…

  • a comment of if they might have wine in them , they all say in small print on the from "virgin" then the name of an alcoholic drink so i would assume thats a no.

  • man these flavours sound so grose !!

    • Your spelling is gross ;)

      Note: I am prepared to accept that it was a typo.

  • Was not keen on the Pina Colada. Not a great taste combo.

  • Just bought and tried the Pina Colada variety. Thought it is quite nice.
    Perhaps I am biased, Pina Colada being one of my favourite cocktails.
    Thanks to comments from here, I will give the other two a miss.

  • These are blegh….I think the only one that's nice is the Mud Slide but I don't think it's on sale with these…And honestly these flavours aren't really worth it. I think they are the worst flavours yet (for me).

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