Be the first in Australia to see Sacha Baron Cohen's new film GRIMSBY
Advance Screening
Wednesday 17th & 18th Feb available in SYNDEY and MELBOURNE.
Be the first in Australia to see Sacha Baron Cohen's new film GRIMSBY
Advance Screening
Wednesday 17th & 18th Feb available in SYNDEY and MELBOURNE.
That's what happens when u copy and paste! Funny its spelt 3 diff ways on their website
Where is SYNDEY? :)
Yo mean Sydennay? ;*(
George Street - Event Cinemas, NSW
Hanging out with JAHN and MARSHER?
those session times are awful
Is nice….
speak for yourself, SHIFT WORKERS FTW!
voucher say admit 1 only?
You need to put accompanying guests name also, you should then get emailed 2 links to print the tickets.
just wondering, do we really need to print the tickets? or can we just show it from our phone?
Not sure sorry, print to be safe I guess
@Schumi5: You should print them. They're actually supposed to be freetix member only tickets, so you need to log in to see the URL with the movie ticket links, but it seems that there's no additional security after that.
I'm a member (not interested in the deal myself) and have been to a number of movies through that membership. Given the tickets are now "in the wild", so to speak, you may as well know you need to print them or you won't get in. I doubt they will cross-reference against member IDs because they were unlikely to fill the timeslots with members only, but you never know.
Also be aware in BIG BOLD WRITING below venues and times it says to
Ignore our Out Of Stock button in the listings below.
Hmmm… It's free, so it should be a deal… but why don't i feel like upvoting this?
Go on … for the effort of posting.
I don't like the Sacha Baron Cohen character either.
I don't know… it feels wrong. The thought of it makes me feel unclean.
Funny that; has the same effect on me too! I don't think I saw the previous movie either.
@JediJan: Thd Lady In The Van with Maggie Smith sounds like a good movie to see. Now if the tickets were for that movie …
I'm in between printers. Can I turn up with a pic of the email on phone for me and guest?
BTW awesome post thanks for sharing. I watched Deadpool today and saw this trailer. Worth a free watch.
And Deadpool, best superhero/comedy I've seen. A superb movie.
Not a change considering those times in MEL. No way I would take a sickie for that!
Is this valid?
Looks like it. I got an emailed response with a ticket/barcode.
Yep got 2 tickets for tomorrow Melly. Looks legit will forgo prior lunch date to attend.
Cheers great deal
Don't we all.
That's deep bro
About six feet.
I wouldn't see this film even if you paid me, it looks f**king terrible…
Going tomorrow!
Expired… allocation exhausted
Looks like they are all gone now. Enjoy the movie those that managed to get tickets
Hmmmmm, will wait on this and decide tomorrow morning if going.
Its looking like it could be another Deadpool free ticket fiasco where all tickets were cancelled as they were intended for trade/members. Hope I'm wrong, but as OP wrote above this was a link for members only and they could be checking your membership details.
And its a minimum $15 to join for what looks like free tickets so why would they let us freeloaders get something others are paying for?
I have two tix if someone missed out
Ill msg you the links
hopefully they'll release some for brissy
Couldn't have made those times anyway.
No problem getting in with printed tickets, staff were very helpful. Movie was LOL hilarious much better than I thought it would be.
Thx Schumi and Freetix.
The elephants were too much xD
Hey mate, thanks again for the free tickets, loved the movie! Much better than my anticipation and expectations! :)
Movie was pretty over the top on some parts but I liked it overall 7.3/10
:D Thanks OP
PS also snuck into deadpool (vmax) afterwards :D super-bargain heheh
Bara… Barren… Baron… eh what do I care