• expired

Height Adjustable Standing Desk for $180 + $20 Delivery @ Sedontary


Awesome standing desk! No assembly needed.Sturdy Aluminium Frame plus timer work platform.

Don't spend $889 for a VARIDESK . This is your best choice for just putting it on your desk and convert your desk to a Sit Stand Working station.

Say Bye to back pain…

Please use this Coupon code to save $30.

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closed Comments

  • +6

    Price is not $30, right? It's saving $30 from $220, so please put $190 in title.

    • +6

      link us please?

    • +1

      Can you find the eBay one otherwise your neg will get revoked

    • +1

      Yes, Link or it didn't happen

    • +1


    • +2

      Link or IDNH

      • +2

        This is not at all a comparable product. This is some little portable plastic piece of junk.

        • -3
        • @Bearosaurus:

          I made the bad mistake of ordering one of products you linked to years ago. It couldn't even hold my laptop without wobbling all over the place and the lifting mechanism felt cheaper than the already cheap price.

          You need to stop linking to products that are completely different to what is for this listing.

          This is for a gas piston assisted sit/stand desk that can hold up to 40kg worth of equipment whilst still having gas lift assistance making it easy and safe to raise and lower the desk without worry.

          Those cheap ones are impossible to use in a raised position due to wobbling all over the place when you type on the keys, are hard to raise/lower, are small, are built poorly and more.

          I finally got a Varidesk Pro Plus 30 that I got on eBay 2nd hand for $180 and haven't looked back. I'm using it as I write, slamming my mechanical keyboard without as much as a wobble from my 27" iMac.

          I really hope no one out there goes and purchases one of those horrible desks you linked to. They are not fit to hold pens, papers and books - let alone monitors, keyboards and more.

        • +4


          I have revoked my neg

          My Apologies to the store rep

      • no where they are same

        • +2

          It's black… the same as the OP's one, that's the same isn't it :) ?

  • +3

    From the footer: "Sedontary.com is a regirstered Austalian Business".

      • It's quite obvious that sellers of Chinese origin do not consider spelling and punctuation a priority. Numbers, not words determine profit.

      • I would guess what they really mean is sedon'tary, which means don't be sedentary? OP?

    • +1

      Thanks for letting us know Tintin. Just revised.

      • Product is a good idea. Website still says"regirstered"… And "Office Furnitures" (!)

  • +1

    What are the key differences between your product and the Varidesk? Is this deal valid on both white and black? What kind of warranty do you offer on your product and is there a free returns policy within X days if I'm not satisfied with the product? Is pickup available?

    • One year warranty .

      • You can pick up from Redfern and Constitution Hill NSW.

        The coupon code is valid for both colours.

    • +1

      I too would like to know the key differences between your product and Varidesk.

  • +4

    $20 to deliver a desk? Meanwhile Australia Post charges $15 for a small box.

    • You can pick up from our Sydney office .

      Our office are located in Redfern and Constitution Hill.

    • It is not a small box. Package weight around 17kg.

        • +5

          The raising/lowering mechanism is gas piston assisted, which makes raising and lowering easy.

          Was it too much effort to read the product description?

        • Seem like you have a few OzBargain accounts and just negative any unfavorable comments.

        • +1


          You make a completely incorrect statement and then complain about being negged? It's obvious that you are not familiar with these products, so maybe you would care to have a re-read of the product description?

          You're paranoid AF man.

        • No where in the product description does it mention that there is a gas piston. So it prove the you have multiple accounts.

        • +3

          @BargainHunter8: "dumb" is not the same as "unfavourable."

        • Yes I will be dumb if I ever purchase from your store.
          And you can not spell correctly on your website.

        • +1


          Here's the description from the link.

          "The hydraulic bars help you hold the weight"

          Regardless, just looking at the picture anyone can see it. Maybe you need glasses as you couldn't see it in the picture nor could you actually read a product description after saying you did.

          I wish I had multiple accounts - I would neg your posts into oblivion - into the abyss where pathetic comments belong.

          It's so petty of you to only neg this deal after you wrote all those comments. I'm going to flag you and hopefully the mods can do something about you.

        • This was only just added you liar.

          Similar to how you change your SPELLING MISTAKES noted above.

        • @BargainHunter8:

          Exactly my point!!! You only negged the deal AFTER you wrote all those comments, and AFTER I explained how wrong your comments are.

          I think you need help.

        • My neg was for your rude customer service, as seen here.

        • +1


          I'm not a rep. I'm just some shmo with some understanding of the product and too much time on my hands (as evident that I keep replying to you).

          Seek urgent help.

        • +2

          @BargainHunter8: You realize c0balt has nothing to do with the store right? They're not a member of the customer service team.
          They're just a commenter like you or I. Sedontarydesk is the store rep (although only marked as 'Associated' for some reason.

        • +1


          Thanks, but don't bother. @BargainHunter8 has shown such a lack of comprehension that I think it would be easier to explain the situation to your family pet than talk sense into him.

        • +8

          A cunning plan, c0balt. You have layed in wait precisely three years, posting over 1000 comments to build credibility, all so today on your account birthday you can swoop down to counter a single neg vote on a new rep account.
          A pure evil genius!

        • @BargainHunter8: True… it did not say piston… but it did say 'hydraulic' in the very point of the description - "Hassle free when adjust the height of the desk, thanks to the hydraulic +durable steel and aluminium frame design"

          Plus you can see the piston in the picture! lol

        • +1


          It's my account birthday and I have over 1000 comments?! Mind blown!

          I feel like there should be a little icon next to my name or at least some notification for this illustrious occasion.

          Actually if it was some sweet Shakespearean revenge I was after, then years in wait with thousands of comments to hide my true motives does sound like something I could be capable of.

    • +3

      LOL. That is why we need Sit Stand Desk.

      • That sounds like something you could marked to fat people, as a weight loss activity.

        • hehe…

          Yes IIAMA, Yesterday an overweight (180 pounds) client picked up a desk from my Redfern office . he is a programmer and trying to loose weight.

  • How steady is it? Even Varidesk is said to wobble a bit when typing.

    • +2

      I mean You can add 40kg weight on the monitor platform. feel free to lean on it.

      But you are right wobble a little bit when typing.

  • it looks like this thing just sits on top of an existing desk you already have to vary the height? the image of the white version shows it sitting on another desk…

    • +1

      Read the product description in the link.

      Your question will be answered.

    • My thoughts exactly! A bit misleading IMHO. If you place this item on a bed, does it automatically become "a lying down desk"?

      • +1


        The photo of the thing and the product description are exactly what it is.

        It's not a full desk, it doesn't say it is. It's a desk that you put on any desk to make any desk height adjustable.

        • it's NOT a standalone Standing desk and the description says it's a "Height Adjustable Standing Desk".

        • @GregFiona:

          It is a height adjustable desk. That is what these products are called and have been called for many years.

          'Kind of half a desk that you put on another desk so that it becomes height adjustable' doesn't exactly flow off the tongue does it?

        • @c0balt: the description says clearly height adjustable STANDING desk. Anyway, you know exactly what I mean, unlike the title of this "bargain" my comments were clear enough :)
          P.s. i hope you don't call the bricks in this photo a "height adjustable desk" too :)

        • @GregFiona: the bricks look lovely, but I don't see how they are adjustable. They don't move up and down with a lever.

      • Hi Greg,

        If you are not far from Parramatta or Redfern . Please come to my office to try this Sit Stand Desk .

        Please send your inquiry to [email protected]. I will reply with the address.


  • @Sedontarydesk,
    I've created an account and added one to my shopping cart, but your system won't apply the discount code. It still shows cost as $240.
    How do I get the FEB2016SPECIAL discount?
    PS: What is "timer work platform"? Are you including some form of timer with the desk?

    • Hi Tyrotex,

      Please try to apply the coupon code again.


      • All good now. Order placed.
        and thanks for upping the discount

  • +1

    What's the difference between this and the one at Officeworks?

    Wynston Sit Stand Desk


    • Hi Takahas,

      We supply two different colours and if you want to buy more than one item. The price is negotiable.

    • We have different colour options and no assembly needed.

  • +2

    Officeworks seems to have the same product but for $10 cheaper overall (once free shipping is factored in) and with 2yrs longer warranty - http://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/wynston-sit… (ebay: http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Wynston-Sit-Stand-Desk-/222021806…)

    Only difference seems like Officeworks doesn't sell it in black or am I missing something here?

    Rep, I'd like to support a small business, but it's a tough sell. Why should I buy from you and not Officeworks considering the above?

    • Also the Officeworks desk seems to come as a flatpack that you have to assemble yourself.
      They claim it only takes 15 minutes to assemble, so that doesn't seem to be a big deal. But for a business, they might prefer to pay an extra $10 for a pre-assembled desk to save staff time doing that.

      • +1

        Officeworks one doesn't need assembly, comments below from people that have bought it.

    • Thank you Hammerbattalion,

      Please send your enquiry to [email protected]. We are happy to add additional discount to your order.


      • Deleted comment-price updated

  • -3

    I would rather purchase from Officeworks, given that they are a reputable retailer and have great customer service.

    • +7

      Whats your problem?
      You just trying to give these guys a hard time for no reason.

      • +1

        He deserves a ban.

        I've flagged his posts, I really hope others do too.

  • why need an adjustable chair if you can have an adjustable desk

  • I would like to see this in action in a youtube video, unless they are the same as officeworks, so if i went to officeworks to test this out i may as well buy it as im there anyway…

    • +3

      Thanks for your suggestion.I will post the youtube link by tomorrow.

      • +1

        I just changed the coupon code to $40 . Now anyone place an order will save $40 .

        • You should change the title and description so people know.

  • +1

    $199 at officeworks

    Oops sorry, someone has already mentioned this. Post is by someone that has bought and gives their opinion if it helps anyone.

    • +2

      $179.10 using code SAUR1CTCRFGL at checkout, includes free postage.

      • Where do you enter this? I have gone all the way up to checkout page and can't find a box to put the promo code in?

        • It was on the officeworks eBay page for the item.

          It had a box about saving 10% but I can't see it on the page now.

          I entered the code at checkout.

  • Ooh - would love to see a Youtube review of this model, or the Officeworks one for anyone that has it.

    Been keen on a Varidesk for some time, but don't know if I can justify the cost.

    Ideally i'd like it to handle two 24 inch monitors, (once could be in portrait) but I presume with this model that would be pushing it?

    • Hi Isometric,

      The working platform is a bit small for two 24inch monitors but you can buy a dual monitor arm .

      Please send your inquiry to [email protected] . I can quote a desk plus a arm to you. It is still cheaper than a Varidesk basic model.


  • +3

    No way varidesk is $889


    • Yeah it's only about $300-500 and they have more shape options.

      Still, I have tried the Varidesk and found that it wobbles quite a lot. I wonder if there's a variant that lets you clamp down to your desk which reduces wobbling.

      • +1

        Hi Chillbro,

        I will post a youtube video tomorrow. In the video you will see how to reduce wobble when typing.


  • Be mindful that if over 170cm or so tall with these things, Even varidesk dosent really work as its still not high enough to stand naturally.

  • Just bought the large IKEA stand/sit table for $299 this Sundy, 160cm x 80cm.

    • How does it compare with this product? $100 more for better or about the same?

      • It's huge, and therefore more useful to act as either a computer desk or a work bench or both. My wife was always complaining about not enough table space for her to do her architectural models, and back pains from bending down to cut the materials. This should solve the problems, and I might get another one if more space is needed.

        To me the Ikea one appears to be steady and sturdy enough, although it's only rated at 50 kg load. The height can be adjusted between 70cm and 120cm, which is more than enough for myself (180cm). And the manual lifting mechanism should be less easy to break IMO, plus I heard it's 10 year warranty from the IKEA staff. So overall I am pretty happy with the purchase at the moment.

  • We purchased the office works one last week for a team member with a bad back. $199 delivered. I was expecting to have to build it (as per listing) but in fact it's ready built… amazing they try and sell an assembly service with it !!!

    • I'd be amazed if the product made any difference whatsoever for somebody with a bad back.

      Hard to imagine it would, since the only thing that changes is the buttocks and legs, not the back (which remains upright and supporting the same weight of torso, arms and head).

      What exactly is the "logic" behind this concept?

      • "Bad Back" depends what his problem is,
        I had a bad back, nearly all surgeons gave me 40 to 60% operation success rate. The bad result would have left me in a wheel chair.
        Until by chance a certain surgeon was recommended that diagnosed the problem before opening me up, He made me promise to follow all his post operation instructions, gave me a 96% chance of a successful outcome.
        One of these on the long list was not to sit for 6 weeks, it meant I had to travel by public transport standing up, in the car lying almost flat in the passengers seat, eating standing or leaning against a high stool with your bum.

        Reason there is 60% less strain on you spine standing than sitting down. I too had trouble working out the logic back then. It worked for me, after 5 months never looked back.

  • I also got the Wynston Sit Stand Desk from officeworks, no assembly, just open box remove packing tape and put on desk. The office works unit looks functionally identical, just white in colour. So far it seems to work well

    • Does it wobble?

      • +1

        No, it is actually excellent quality. No wobble.

  • +1

    Judging from the picture it has the same problem my varidesk has…it's not high enough. I'm 180cms and when I extended my Varidesk to the full height I still end up with neck strain. I had to stick a phone book on top to get the monitor height right and then, when lowered it's too high for sitting. So I have a dual monitor setup with one monitor high on a phone book and one low. Not a great solution, especially for what they are charging. You really need a whole desk designed to accommodate a full range of heights. Of course the other office at work got those and I am jealous as hell…

  • +2

    Should compare like with like…
    Sedontary desk is 32"… Varidesk Pro Plus 36" is $575 not $889. Yes… the 48" Varidesk Exec is $875.

    Looks like the Wynston from Office Works is the best comparison. $199 with a 3yr warranty http://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/wynston-sit…

  • Nice product with great price. Highly recommended.

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