Don't have time for the gym? Here's your solution - ABZILLA the perfect Ab machine for anyone, PRICE DROPPED TO $59.95 AND FREE DELIVERY AUS WIDE Limited time only
Mod: Removed unnecessary marketing
Don't have time for the gym? Here's your solution - ABZILLA the perfect Ab machine for anyone, PRICE DROPPED TO $59.95 AND FREE DELIVERY AUS WIDE Limited time only
Mod: Removed unnecessary marketing
I don't see any MMA fighters endorsing these planks…
You can find this at Best Buys in the US, surly they wouldn't really stock "JUNK"
surly they wouldn't really stock "JUNK"
Of course they would, and stop calling me Surly !
right up there with sorny and magnetbox
This is replacing the ab roller which you can get much cheaper but more chances of causing an injury.
Abzila ab machine allows you to stretch out you body
"Limited time"?
Expiry date says otherwise lol
you can't spot burn fat
the only way to get abs is to diet and exercise adequately to acheieve a lower bodyfat percentage
in this case i'll have to agree with jv
you can't spot burn fat
you can with a laser…
yeah lets all go out and buy lasers and burn ourselves
That won't reduce your abs…
abzilla? you just lost the market in China.
does it comes with a free set of stakeknives protein powder cup?
abzilla? you just lost the market in China.
In Japan it's abjira! ;)
Looks like some sort of road luge. Get yourself a fit ball and do the same thing as well as a miriad of other exercises. I love my fit ball. I've seen fit balls at Target for $10. Don't bother with this one-trick pony. It'll take up room and collect dust.
Pro Tip: Pick one up for free at the next council/shire hard rubbish collection
Awesome ad. Where can I buy one?
Might get one for the girls in the office…
Is the Abzilla compatible with the Manila Chiller Diller?
This is more of a thrilla…
This has been on here before - - Someone here found a better use for it (doing it with his wife but he wouldn't share his secret/position).
I see the rep is continuing his streak for crap / spammy deals.
You're dreaming of Gorgonzola cheese, when it's clearly Brie time baby.
Looks like some skateboard wheels on a frame.
This piece of spammy rubbish again?! Boo this man!
What's wrong with doing planks and side-planks?