The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited $16 at Target
The Elder Scrolls Online - PS4
The Elder Scrolls Online - Xbox One
The Elder Scrolls Online Tamriel Unlimited $16 at Target
The Elder Scrolls Online - PS4
The Elder Scrolls Online - Xbox One
Not sure on PS4, but still healthy on XB1.
Really healthy on ps4, Playing on european since it released on console and havent found it get bland or boring once. Make friends while playing it and you will have endless hours of fun
The game's rrp is dropping so fast then I suspect it'll go truly free to play very soon.
And for good reason I'm afraid.
I'm assuming by the state of the comments that the game gets bland quite quickly?
I enjoyed it quite a lot (on PC back when it was a subscription MMO) as a singleplayer RPG that just so happens to have other people running around too. It's nothing like the frequent grouping and shared quests of other MMOs like Guild Wars 2, but I still really liked it. It's also one of the best-looking MMOs with some stunning landscapes too.
I would recommend PC though simply for the MOD support, as I appreciated some of the inventory management and HUD mods.
Seriously though, for $16 it's hard to go wrong.
I bought this game at $29 and I just can't recommend it, but I guess its worth a try at $16. Four of us really, really tried to play it since we were all previous Elder Scrolls lovers and it was still pretty damn bad.
Whats the worst with the game gets good reviews more expensive elsewhere was going to get it but do i really need it.
I try and hold off on xbox games till they drop in price and done no bad upto now.
Not paid anywhere near rrp on most i have purchased so far.
Surely this is not that bad?
Are there two versions of this game?
IMO it's a great game, everyone has different opinions. It's a lot more fun if you have friends that play it though.
holy crackers! Is that first sentence English?
I believe it's Chinglish.
Just a warning about updates for PS4. Once you install this game there is an additional 21GB download. There may be another after that, but its a bit smaller.
So make sure you put aside a day to do that, cause you are not playing it straight away!
Also available on eBay so you can use the 20% off code…
What's the game population like for ps4 at this stage of the life cycle?
No AU servers planned it seems.