Hey everyone,
I'm not sure how many people remember Multiplayer United or any of the Sydney Gamers League events that happened a few years back. Some of the staff have reunited and are attempting to setup another LAN that is very similar to the ones of SGL, that is to say BYOPC.
It's going to feature Dota 2, LoL, CSGO, and SC2 with a possibility of TF2 as the competitive side, with also a community side where it's more casual and play is spread amongst several games.
It's going to be on the 19th of March at the Australian Tech Park in Redfern, and tickets are being sold now for $40 for entry.
Entry gets you a spot on a decent size of the tables available, as well as access to gigabit fast internet for an entire day :D
I'm part of the volunteer staff and really excited for this event to go forward. If you would like more information, feel free to ask here and I'll try to respond, or feel free to head over to the pages at either https://eleague.gg/ - the website itself - or https://www.facebook.com/events/444336562440304/
I will come just to leach porn