I have a 3 -4 seat faux leather couch that has scratches and some cracks in the middle of the couch. I don't know what to do. Should I get it fixed and try to sell it or just cut my losses and give it away for free. I guess lesson learned won't buy this type of couch again. I'm sure many people have made this mistake. To fix this I read online it needs a leather filler or some type of leather repair kit. Anyone know anything about this.
What to Do with My Faux Leather Couch

Faux shaux
lol.. why doesn't yours look like the couch that gmail92 has linked?
Put on gumtree for $100 then take any offer otherwise no point in repairing. Best to dump it.
I agree, this is probably the best way forward. See if one of the charity stores wants it, but if it is damaged they probably won't want it either. It is worth spending the extra to get a good quality leather couch.
It is damaged and I think charity stores can't take it. They can only take good condition couches. I have put it on gumtree and i'll just accept what ever offer if there is one.
If you don't get a nibble you can probably get the council to take it as hard rubbish. If the shape was any good you could probably get cloth overcovers for it, but it sounds like it isn't worth doing that to.
Reupholster it your self?
Buy some material and a decent staple gun. Gaffer tape the cracks before covering. Even gluing some upholstery padding to the couch would assist in a better and more comfortable finish.
This sounds like a lot of work and difficult.
Offer it to the bikies…hang on ….no - don't do that
My couch has done that. So annoying!
Yes it is annoying. Do you have the same type of couch i mean in material. What have you done with the couch or are just using it still.
Yeah we have that faux leather stuff. Lasted about three years and now its peeling and cracking everywhere. Its so messy. As a temporary fix we have a blanket on top of the couch to try and contain the flakes. I haven't got a quote to repair it but I don't think it'll be worth getting fixed - it seems like it would be an expensive job.
The couch is white so the flakes show up horrible on our brown carpet :(
I read that maybe you can get it fixed by using a leather repair kit but I'm never good at stuff like this unless the instructions are really easy. Other than that if you want to get to get it reupholstered then yes i asked one person online and the cost is not worth it you might as well buy a new couch.
@KB2: ok thanks for the reply. I'm just going to give away the couches or if no one takes it book it in for council clean up.
it's not from Dare Gallery is it? their "bonded leather"??
I was in a sh*t storm with dare gallery about their advertising of bonded leather sofa as leather as ours did the same thing as yours (start to crack and peel). Offered a $200 off a new sofa, laughed at them and said I would never but from you again
Our sofa is in the garage waiting for hard rubbish in a few months
@supasaiyan: No my sofa was not from dare gallery but as I can see from people here just as bad. out of curiosity how much did you pay for your sofa which was bonded leather. All they offered you is $200 off a new sofa what a joke. Other issue is getting it out of my house once someone does take it.
i was lucky, i actually got my sofa from their warehouse sale so it was only $750, but it retailed for over $2k.. but when i was googling the issue, i came across reviews of their sofa and there was so many bad reviews on this particular range
Hi everybody. Good news I have managed to give away my couch and side chaise to someone who has picked it up. It's a nice feeling to give stuff away. I have given away small things already in my house for free. I think I will do it for many more things in my house or swap for other items.
Attach wheels and a large motor.