Help! Woolies wont exchange milk brought from Coles...…

This was just too funny.


A mother has written a complaint to Woolworths after they refused to exchange lite milk she had purchased at a Coles supermarket.
'I got the wrong milk so went to into woolies to swap it. The lady at the desk tell me I'm not allowed because it was the coles brand of the lite and I had to talk to coles about it (sic),' she wrote.
'It's just milk so I don't see the problem! My kids don't like lite milk so now they have to go without until maybe Saturday when I can borrow some money to get some more from coles.'
'u did ur dash woolies and have lost me business.'

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  • +3

    lol, for a while though, coles and woolies were accepting returns from eachothers stores. Just to keep the peace and keep you away from the other store

  • +24

    I feel sorry for the kids, the mother is just nuts.

    • Yet kids still need her, a great many years forth and looking back still need her who as a mother feeds them.

      so she has to stay un-cracked as nuts. I would have cracked. Hope she finds a Job soon and has more resources to assist in staying sane.

    • +8

      Yes, they can. I was once verbally abused by an old lady when I was a bank teller because her Medicare card wouldn't let her get money from the ATM…true story!

      • +4

        She probably tried using her ATM card unsuccessfully at the Psychologist earlier that day, which explains why she was upset.

  • +1

    Gotta feel sorry for her. She can even get complaining right.

    She should have used facebook to complain, thats where all the nutty mothers are everyday…

    • She should have used facebook to complain, thats where all the nutty mothers are everyday…

      Was just thinking that! I'd be surprised if she didn't already complain on there if it reached the tabloids

  • +2

    This is why the country is going to the s###s. People feel like they're entitled to anything and everything, and blatantly refuse to accept what is right nor what is logical.

  • +6

    Lol top comment "Okay right, this is a fake facebook profile. I hunted it down last night and the profile was started 2 days prior, they have no friends, no family. It was solely an attention grabbing stunt. Seriously people are one part gullible and two parts stupid."

    • they have no friends, no family

      Well, she's a smoking mother of six, so she definitely has family. But the odds are also highly likely that she's a staunch feminist and single mother rorting Centrelink benefits, so between her six children, her smokes, an apparent lack of transport and a confirmed deficiency in her intellect, combined with her inability to afford $2 for an extra bottle of milk, she's done quite well for her 5 minutes of fame.

      Next thing you'll know, she's complaining on ACA that Woolies and Comes don't treat women with respect.

    • My first thought too after reading that facebook post. Grammar is perfect, while spelling just looks like they misspelled everything on purpose.

  • +1

    Lol oblergashuns

    Hopefully she doesn't have any more offspring, 6 is enough, the gene pool doesn't need more of her DNA.

  • +2

    Naughty Woolworths! How can they let those poor distressed children suffer! Just think of how much their delicate egos must have been damaged by having to do without their A2/Extra creamy/non-homogenised/whatever source of lactose!
    Get real, if the kids won't drink the milk put in front of them, then it won't really hurt them to do without for a few days. Just give them water from the tap (put in re-cycled Fiji or Evian bottles first, otherwise they'll suffer more psychological stress).

  • +1

    Also Woolworths will now be upset they'll lose her business. Think of all that money she can borrow each time to go shopping with.

  • Any deals on birth control because I'll happily pay for some for her on behalf of Australia. We don't need anymore stupid people in this country.

    I actually feel sorry for her children that she is blowing her Centrelink benefits on "smokes" and not on her family. Seriously a bottle of milk is $2… Not only that but she has 6 kids and is complaining that she can't afford stuff. WTF is wrong with some people…

  • +1
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