I'm moving back to the city offices for work and need gym recommendations that are good but aren't too expensive.
I'll be located, let's say, at the intersection of George St and Liverpool St, so want something within 5-10 min walk.
I'm mostly focused on classes because I'm too cheap for a PT (or too poor) and cardio.
I don't need access to gyms in other locations (i.e. all access) because on weekends I'd rather be outdoors.
I never used to go to the gym, just used to go for runs which i loved. Then i joined a gym, went hard, had no results, but lost my ability to run. lol. Such is life.
I used to pay $15 a week. I know I won't get that in the city but I don't really wanna be paying $25 pw. (or am i dreaming?)
Anytime fitness is $15 a week, and the ones in the city have classes