My phone is HTC Velocity 4G. Just did factory reset by accident, what can I do to recover my photos? I googled and a few software came up but not sure which one I can trust. This is my first smartphone and I have never flashed or reset my phone before so no experience whatsoever. Thanks in advance.
Factory Reset, how can I recover my photos?

No, I didn't backup…
Try Jihosoft or EaseUS MobiSaver to begin with.
These sort of programs will only work (I think) if the phone is in USB Mass Storage mode.
If the phone only supports MTP then you're going to have to root.Thanks. Tried both but didn't work. Jihosoft couldn't see any file. EaseUS asked to turn on USB mass storage to recover media files but I couldn't find in the menu. Actually in the review section, there is a message from EaseUS saying "If you did the factory reset, it would not able to recover the data."
You want to select Disk Drive I think…If "Disk Drive" mode is HTC's terminology for USB Mass Storage mode, then the Phone should appear on your computer as a new Hard Drive
eg d:
(assuming you're using Windows)
If it does that, then you should be able to run an Undelete program on that drive.If it doesn't then it's most likely connecting as MTP storage, and you'll have to investigate rooting.
Thanks. I was able to see the mobile as a HDD on PC, but running MiniTool Power Data Recovery, it couldn't find anything worth recovering, only some cache file from today.
Should I try rooting next?
Should be able to see other stuff.Try this
or this…@scubacoles: Tried Recuva, same result. Actually I am not sure if I did factory reset, the phone was turned off and I was trying to get it out of the protective wallet and probably pressed on/off and/or volume up/down buttons at the same time and a screen I haven't seen before appeared. It had about 5 options: fastboot, factory reset, recovery, etc. Power button to select, volume up down to move to different options. I didn't know what to do so I press power but then probably press volume as well by accident so not really sure which one was selected, probably the third one…
I did save some important photos so not a total disaster but there are some photos I like to see again. Should I keep trying? Thanks anyway.
Sounds like you did Factory Reset..
Nothing else on that list would wipe files.Had you Encrypted the phone?
If so, the data is gone.. with no hope of recovery at all.If not, it should be recoverable, but I'd expect one of these to have worked by now.
The only other thing worth trying is rooting and trying an Android undelete app. But that's going to require a lot of reading on your part.@scubacoles: I did not encrypt the phone. Ok, I will read some more to see how much work it is. Thanks for all your help.
Try looking/googling for developer mode on your HTC.
that will then let you use your phone as a storage device and "see" your files as Scuba above says.
I didn't think a factory reset deletes data, just returns your phone to original "out of the box" setting.
Good luck.Developer mode isn't going to do anything..
It'll allow you to toggle on ADB, but that's still not going to help.
DO you know if your photos were syncing with google photos or not? If yes, then you can login to your account and get your photos back.