My first deal here.
Normal price: $5
When I scan at the checkout: $0.99
My first deal here.
Normal price: $5
When I scan at the checkout: $0.99
old news buddy … i've had many bowls since then lol
i've had many bowls since then lol
I hope you wash them first, unless you enjoy eating faeces… lol
what won't kill will only make you stronger.. :D … yes i do wash the pre-washed ones
what won't kill will only make you stronger..…
but it can kill you…
yes i do wash the pre-washed ones
i never used to, now I won't buy them again.
but we woulda died out as species a long time ago if this was that easy
that's what the last dinosaurs said too…
the recall has happened already
they wouldn't sell tainted batches
they wouldn't sell tainted batches
The did a few weeks back…
How do you know these ones won't get recalled? Do you think they test each bowl ?
obviously that's not feasible, but they would test samples from each batch
having said that these things can and do happen with regular testing, so even that's not a failsafe
but they would test samples from each batch
which they were doing before anyway…. it's still a risk…
if that's your thinking, then it would make it practically impossible to buy anything from the supermarket that isn't packaged
unfortunately you can't eliminate risk and contamination completely from the supply chain and these things are bound to happen from time to time
you can't eliminate risk
you can reduce the risk by not buying prepackaged, prewashed salads which may have been washed with unhygienic water…
I feel like these 'deals' shouldn't be allowed, as it's clearly a system error and only applies to the one store, and probably won't last for long.
Gives you iron stomach! You need to have one if you plan on going overseas!
Would you like a spider with your salad? If you didn't get your free spider in the bag ask for a refund
Woolworths and Coles pre-packed salads recalled after 28 people get salmonella poisoning. That's why.…