I discovered that my personal loan with NAB has gone up from about 7% to 13.5% sometime in the last year, I did call them but they were unable to advise why or when exactly only that the interest rate wasn't fixed but the lady was surprised as she could see where the rate was at a year ago. I did work for NAB but they advised that wasn't anything to do with it, my account is still marked as staff.
So been looking at other places to shift the loan to, best seems to be around 7.5% with Peoples choice, but i've seen people on here talk about cheque to self with citi, would this be my best option? I would hope to have about $10000 of it paid of in 18 months so could just shift any remaining balance to another 0% card. I can see the reward platinum has 18 Months interest free but comes with a $200 fee, do citi often have offers with no annual fee
I got a balance transfer with a Westpac low rate credit card. I got 0% for 24 months. Annual fee is $65.
You'll smash it rather than taking out a personal loan.
I've payed off so much debt doing a balance transfer rather than a personal loan.
Plus if you want to pay off a personal loan early they charge you an exit fee.
Find a credit car comparison online and find the best deal going with 0% and a low annual fee. Doesn't matter which bank. Then cancel the card when it's paid off.