Are there any NBN deals going on at the moment?
I'm looking at getting at least 100GB with 25mbit speed.
Are there any NBN deals going on at the moment?
I'm looking at getting at least 100GB with 25mbit speed.
You mean their free activation for 12-month contract in contrast with other ISP's free setup-fee for 24-month contract, right? Their contract-less option still requires an up-front payment.
From what I've read, Telstra or Skymesh are the only companies to go with at the moment.. the rest suffer sever congestion at peak periods cause they've skimped on CVC (ie the maximum data throughput from NBN to the ISP's backhaul), so when everyone in your neighborhood jumps online after dinner, you're sharing the same undersized pipe to the actual internet.
This is especially the case for Optus and its resellers (including Exetel and Vaya).
is there anywhere else that mentions this?
Just seems to be the vibe on the NBN Threads on Whirlpool.
My area will be Ready for Service in the next few months, so I've been keeping my eye out there for tips on who my ISP should be.
Add Internode to that list of "quality" NBN ISP's. Seems that they are (currently) not routing through TPG backhaul. Problem is that it could change at any time.
Exetel have free activation at the moment.
Or Skymesh's plans are good value.