Not sure if anybody knows about this great site called
It basically finds the cheapest price for any book delivered to your door (including shipping).
It checks most online bookstores worldwide and sometimes even Big W!
Definitely should be the first place that you check when buying books.
Finding the best price of any book online
macfanboy on 20/03/2010 - 07:09
Well my first search showed th US book depository as cheaper so it is still worth using
Well it's been on the List of price compairson sites since January 2009.
There's also AbeBooks which pits book dealers against each other and claims to have the largest range of books anywhere (albeit most are second-hand). It has a good review from the independent Australian organisation Choice:…
usually book depsoitory or better world books are the cheapest. As ive got a BD account, i just order from them. They havent pit a foot wrong :)
Nice find! I've recently taken to buying books online and use book despository (UK) almost exclusively. Nothing else can touch them price wise, and free shipping via royal post is win-win.