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Quorn Frozen Meat Free Soy Free Mince & Other Varities $4 Each @ Coles

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  • +4

    I tried Quorn mince with Old El Paso Taco kit and was amazing.

    imagine how much better it would have been with actual meat ;)

    • I don't eat meat..

      • -2

        just chickens

      • I don't eat meat..

        then you'll just have to imagine (spoiler alert… it would have tasted better)

      • HE NO EAT NO MEAT?!

        ..okay, I make lamb.

      • please dont think I am attacking you cos I am not.
        I have seen these items for sale in Coles and Woolies but I have always wondered why, if someone doesn't like meat/eat meat why would you buy products made to look and taste like meat.

        • +8

          I never ate meat so I do not know how it taste. I buy this product as a substitute of meat. Certain recipe needs meat to cook eg. Taco. I do have equal right to eat Taco I reckon. ;)

        • +4

          I love the taste of meat, but personally find it unethical to kill something for enjoyment. Hence I occasionally eat this mock meat.

  • +1

    People should be careful with this as it can cause severe allergic reactions, even for those who don't normally have issues.

    I personally like quorn, but I know a number of people who cannot eat it, so I don't cook with it.

    • People are allergic to fungi? Who knew.

  • I just googled the name - I was always under the impression this stuff was made from corn. Wrong!

  • +2

    Quorn is pretty good, great meat substitute. Usually too expensive for me to bother though when I can just have meat. Had I been a vegetarian, quorn would be a staple for sure.

  • -1

    I don't get all these 'meat style' products marketed to vegetarians.

    Frozen Meat Free Soy Free Meatballs!


    • +6

      Some people like the taste / texture of flesh but consider it unreasonable to kill and torture sentient beings for it when there are great alternatives available that require no such cruelty.

      • -4

        but you want to still have the texture and thought of eating something just like its been killed, I dont get it.

        • +12

          Like I might feel like punching you in the face, but I'll take my frustrations out on a punching bag instead.

        • -2

          @thevofa: punching bag that look and feels like a real person. still seems strange to me but each to their own I guess.

        • -2

          If you are not vegan then "your own" involves the exploitation and killing of innocent sentient beings; that's not really "your own" - that's an imposition on those other beings.

        • +1

          @thevofa: That's an interesting argument. There is a counter argument that in actual fact being vegan/vegetarian you are killing more innocent sentient beings per kg of usable protein that you are consuming.


          I always thought this totally counters the vegan/vego argument. thoughts?

        • +6

          @poop: If you google "response to Mike Archer" you'll get a tonne of info discrediting that article so I won't repeat that here unless I'm specifically called to. But I will add three things:

          1. Almost all agriculture is performed by nonvegans. That's just the reality of a world where veganism is still in its infancy and the number of vegan individuals is limited. Therefore agricultural practices, being designed and performed by nonvegans as they are, have little or no concern for the life of sentient beings, whether they are affected intentionally or as "collateral damage." This will never change without a wholesale shift to vegan thinking which will of necessity include consideration for all sentient beings - whether affected by direct exploitation or otherwise. No doubt this might add costs (or maybe not!) but as a moral imperative these costs will be a diminutive issue in the larger scheme of things. (As an analogy consider that 19th century US abolitionists may have found it hard to find products not tainted with slave labor regardless of their opposition to it - yet their resolve remained.)

          2. Most domesticated animals in the world are fed from food crops; Australia is quite an anomaly in this regard, yet even most cattle here are "finished" on grain. Cattle finished on grain still eat multiple times their weight of cropped foods. "Pastured animals" is a bucolic fantasy for the overwhelming majority of animal consumers and an impossibility for feeding 7+billion people.

          3. Nonvegans also still eat cropped foods; if they follow any credible nutritional advice then plenty of it.

        • @thevofa: Thanks for that, i've had a quick browse of the google search you suggested and I haven't come across a credible response to his article (not saying I won't just from a brief look - i plan on researching this further). Some of the rebuttals suggest "quality of animal death" is a factor not considered and another argues that the unit of measure is not fair (using protein as opposed to calories). I'll do some more research on this area and see if i can find a scientific response to his article that actually does discredit his research.

          Regarding point 3. Although this is true, if "nonvegans" relied solely on cropped food for their protein intake this would then see a huge increase in the number of sentient deaths if Mike Archer's research is to be believed. As humans we require protein intake so although "nonvegans" do consume cropped foods they consume far less of them, than if they had to rely on them as their sole intake of protein.

        • Poop you forget in point 3 that pretty much all domesticated animals raised for slaughter eat the same crops with much less than unity conversion to human calories / protein. Point 2 continues to apply even while you argue about point 3.

          I could not see the comments in the article last night when checking on my mobile but I suggest follow Geoff Russell's comments for a compelling treatment. All that and the moral imperative for not harming sentient beings aside, animal ag is an ecological disaster - see UN FAO's "Livestock's Long Shadow." If any consequentialist reasoning (such as that in Archer's article) is to be employed then animal ag (as it currently stands, pastured or intensive) is even more immoral.

          If you are genuinely interested in discussing this from the point of view of protecting nonhuman interests feel free to PM me any time.

      • Some people like the taste / texture of flesh but consider it unreasonable to kill and torture sentient beings for it when there are great alternatives available that require no such cruelty.

        I can't accept your argument that every animal that's eaten is tortured. There are plenty of ethical meat producers around these days and these sort of statements are just pathetic.

        Perhaps we could discuss this further over a beer or two at Meatstock on the weekend?

        • +1

          Ethical "meat producers." Where are their ethics when they separate child from mother? Cut the testicles off males? Cut the tails off pigs? Rip the horns off cattle? Hang the chickens upside down to be decapitated? Put a bolt through the cows head? Freeze the fish alive? Boil the lobster alive?

          Your ethics are scary to say the least.

        • And it's always intriguing to see attempted humour thrown in when someone defends the worst of human callousness.

        • @thevofa:

          Unfortunately you're coming back to the same one eyed pathetic argument that every animal consumed by humans lives and dies in suffering. Your passion is commendable but your unswerving belief that your opinion is the only view that could possibly be sustainable is over simplified and out of touch with reality. Imagine if your ancestors had the same view, the world's population would be much smaller and there's a good chance you would have never come into existence. I think the world would be in much better shape if humans weren't so good at staying alive and procreating but then we'd miss out on cheerful banter like this.

          And it's always intriguing to see attempted humour thrown in when someone defends the worst of human callousness

          I envy your sheltered life if you think that eating animals is the worst humans are capable of.

        • @OzBragain: Watch "earthlings" then get back to me.

        • @thevofa:

          While I still envy your sheltered life that's about where it ends

          Watch "earthlings" then get back to me.

          Wow! Seriously!?!? Puppy farms are horrible but don't come close to worst of human callousness…here's a quick list. There are plenty more if you're not convinced.

          • High ranking church members systematic and long term abuse of children

          • Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge

          • Stalin's genocide in Eastern Europe

          • Genocide in Rwanda

          Get back to me when you've finished your unicorn juice sprinkled with fairy dust

        • @thevofa:

          Your ethics are scary to say the least.

          without those meat eating ethics, we would never have evolved to be the intelligent beings capable of posting such great bargains on internet forums like this

        • @OzBragain: 60+billion warm blooded and countless other nonhuman individuals bred into existence every year simply to be confined, exploited and killed. And that is to you a laughable matter.

          Laterz dude.

        • @thevofa:

          And that is to you a laughable matter.

          No and given that you've missed that in my last three posts I doubt any further logical explanation will help you out.

          Nighty night

  • +5

    Good product, shame about the egg though. They're missing a huge market by not catering to vegans as well.

    • Same, I'm a strict vegetarian (not a vegan) and don't eat eggs so I've never been able to try this and don't eat most of the sanitarium range for the same reason. Normally it's Frys products that we buy.

    • Not convinced vegans constitute a "huge market" but definitely a moral disconnect and extremely sad. After chicken's flesh no other food product causes more individual deaths to warm blooded animals than eggs. More chickens are killed for eggs than all sheep, pigs and cattle combined, and the lives of layer hens are amongst the most tortured in animal agriculture.

  • -1

    Hit the Quorn.

  • +6

    OP is right, gave Quorn mince and the meat pies a try, it tastes just like meat.

    Those arguing over real meat tastes better, have not given this a try, it really is amazing.

    There is also some non dairy cheese made with cashews and another made of coconut oil and they are both very close to the real thing.

    • +2

      Those arguing over real meat tastes better, have not given this a try, it really is amazing.

      though for those without meat eating ethical dilemmas, considering vegetarians are often highly against processed foods ;)

      Meat - simple, unprocessed, one ingredient (meat)
      Quorn - highly processed, scientifically made 'meat substitute'. Many ingredients (and a rather difficult to find exact ingredient list)

    • +1

      it looks a lot like meat, and tastes vaguely reminiscent of meat, but the texture is way off. My daughter went through vego stage, and we ate all the different quorn products. Reading up on how its made was enough for me to stop buying it. Large vats of fungus, highly processed to look like meat.

    • -1

      non dairy cheese is not cheese then, like, say, soy milk is not really milk its a milk substitute.

    • -3

      If it tastes like meat and looks like meat why wouldn't you just eat meat?

  • i eat vegetarian stuff from time to time but it's normally so expensive(!)

    • -1

      "Vegetarian stuff".. you mean vegetables? or do you mean over-processed, artificially generated, meat substitutes?

      • +1

        Scientists have been growing artificial meat in labs for a little while now, although it's prohibitively expensive. I'd love to see that sort of stuff as a commercially viable alternative to animal meat, but probably not within my lifetime. I guess we could wait for insect farming to become popular in Australia. This quorn stuff is mostly fungi grown artificially from what I recall. Nothing particularly wrong with that.

  • As a non vegetarian, I love the Quorn mince for Chilli and Tacos. I know people will question it but I believe it's better at absorbing the flavour than mince and still retains the texture.

  • +1

    while many vegans/vegetarians (strangely enough, not really anyone in this thread) are one of the most opinionated and judgemental people, the equally opinionated trolls whose only kick in life is to get a rise out of others are just as pathetic.

    you're not more (profanity) superior over someone else just because of what you eat.

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