TIP: Store Rechargable Batteries in The Freezer to Boost Battery Life by 90%

Just read an interesting post at Lifehacker

NiMH and NiCd batteries self discharge at a MUCH faster rate than alkaline batteries. In fact, at “room temperature” (about 70 degrees F) NiMH and NiCD batteries will self discharge a few percent PER DAY. Storing them at lower temperatures will slow their self discharge rate dramatically. NiMH batteries stored at freezing will retain over 90% of their charge for full month. So it might make sense to store them in a freezer. If you do, it’s best to bring them back to room temperature before using them. Even if you don’t freeze your NiMH batteries after charging them, you should store them in a cool place to minimize their self discharge.

Apparently, not worth it for regular alkaline batteries.


  • Thanks for sharing this tip!

  • Thanks :)

  • interesting tip - only how do i get round the missus who is trying to dump all my frozen meat etc that I have already stored. - Any tips there? LOL

    • +8

      Put the missus in the freezer too. Tell her it will keep her young. lol!

  • Alternatively, you can spend a bit more and get some low-discharge batteries such as Eneloops. Don't go for the cheapies like Varta or Grandcell.

  • +1

    I've known about this for some time to squeeze the life out of a battery. My only concern was moisture due to the sudden tempreture change. Freezers can also be helpful if you have a broken HDD. It's worked once for a mate of mine.

    • +1

      +1 on the HDD front. One of mine would stop working once the drive heated up after about 5min of usage.

      Putting it in the freezer gave me about 10-15min of usage…repeating that twice gave me enough time to copy most of the more important stuff off.

      didn't know about this tip for rechargeables though…!
      i've ended up with a lot of those grey/green energizer rechargeables for the wii and found they go flat after a month or so.

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