This was posted 9 years 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Street Fighter V for PS4 $64 @ BIG W - 2 Day Deal

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Cheapest advertised price so far.

Price is for 2 days only then it goes up to $78 from the 18/2 to 24/2. From the 25/2 it goes up to $89. Big W is pretty keen to list all 3 prices, I wasn't at the marketing meeting so I guess they want you to buy it within 2 days and then never shop for SFV there ever again.

Price comparison

EB Games: $99.95 PS4 Standard Edition $79.95 PC Standard Edition
JB HI-FI: $89 PS4 Steel Book Edition $79 PC Standard Edition
Harvey Norman: Not listed yet
Target: Not listed yet
Dick Smith: Price announcement delayed until August

99% of the BIG W deals I post get trumped by Targets price revealed shortly after. Could this be my lucky deal? Find out more soon after the next catalogue drops.

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closed Comments

  • Hope they support legacy controllers like they said

    • Check out the Brooks Super Converter. I just bought one for my 360 TE1. Supposed to be less than a frame of lag and no 8 min timeout that the Titan has.

      • Yeah but how much did it cost? I saw it for $50. My arcade stick cost $200. How much do I have to keep paying to play the one damn game?

        Why I'm gonna have to play this on PC. I'd rather go PS4 but at least on PC I know my controllers will work.

        • +1

          My PC is garbage so dont have that option. If you can find a te2 for $200 send me a link! More like $300 US before postage!

        • +4

          what do you mean one game? sfv is a new game. what you paid to play sf4 is irrelevant? are you going to complain you bought a steering wheel for Gran Turismo too?

      • +1

        I have a brooks converter too. so far so good.
        not sure why Arexg got downvoted for providing useful info.

    • My old Joytron was usable with SFIV on the PS4, so hoping they carry the drivers over

  • Just confirming. 16th and 17th for $64, yes?

  • +2

    'All-you-can' save…

    • +12

      SURE-YOU-CAN! (shoryuken)

      • Edit: wrong post

      • +1

        Looks like my sound post above needed to be explained but not to you good sir :)

      • Hahahahah

  • nice hopefully a good deal on tekken 7 too

    • +2

      Lol by the time that game hits ps4, we'll all be dead.

  • Looks good

  • -1

    Big W is pretty keen to list all 3 prices,

    Right, they seem to be inventing arbitary price increases to create a sense of urgency in the purchaser. There is no reason at all for the price to increase and then increase again over tghe short term like that for an item like a computer game.

    • +5

      It's not that they're arbitrarily bumping up the price, it's that they're lowering the 'day one' price as a loss leader.

      From what I've seen/heard, I believe the cost price of new release games from distributors is ~$75, which is why the normal RRP is set at $89.

      This doesn't seem any more insidious than any other promotion/special from major retailers, they just front-load it because that's when the demand to buy the game is at its peak.

      • nope.

        The idea of a loss leader just doesn't happen these days, stores like to carry on the idea, gotta remember very rarely does anyone in the mid to lower end of the food chain see the price of an item before GM is added to it.

        On AAA games atm each unit is costing approx 22 ex (so 24.20 per unit) from most publishers to large chains with buying power to buy a a ton of units, add gm you are now up to around 55-60 a unit depending on location.

        Think about it for a second, it's not like bread where you put it at the back of the store, so when people come in to grab it dirt cheap they buy everything else on the way out, the kind of client that buys this rarely buys anything else.

        Despite the rumors from what you will hear bigw is doing allright on games at the moment, some stores are doing extremely well in general and some are hemorrhaging money, but its mainly due to unsold stock and the lowering quality of gear so people just arent bying it. Go back 10 years when Kmart wasnt full of cheap nasty stock and bigw still stocked tv's, it was all really good, hell even back in the 90's most SA bigw's like tea tree plaza were **** scared of losing money on video games as they cost a lot more back then, it wasnt uncommon here for a new PC game that was $80 everywhere to be put at $25 a few weeks after release as a one off managers special to just move out the other 5 units that didnt sell in release week.

        • People that come and buy this might buy an extra controller (ps4 only comes with one) or 2 arcade sticks and some anime.

          Or if they waiting for this game to buy a ps4 they may buy a ps4 as well.

        • +1


          yeah but thats about a 1 percent, when you think about it think about all the midnight launches that happen, notice why those shops try and pile on upgrades and upsells while doing it, it's because people are there for one thing.

          in those situations you can get approximately 5% of people that will buy something else as well, those margins arent big enough to justify taking a loss for people to get extras and upsells, especially with a smaller market.

          This one will be just about sniping a few extra sales, as there are still going to be tons of brainwashed kids and ignorant people who go to the eb games RIGHT NEXT DOOR and pay full RRP for the game.

          EB have done extremely well with creating a cult for stuff like this, take my nephew and his friends, we're trying to get them around the EB games cult that they are getting a lot of people into, my nephew and his friends have already said they'd rather go pay more for something at EB games as its "cooler" and they "have more stuff" and because the staff get told to be fake friendly to everyone for sales, so when they are talking to the staff member about a game they like, they get someone who listens unlike their parents who go "ech video games waste of time".

          So the kids like them pester mom and dad or grandma or whatever to go to EB despite the fact its cheaper else where.

          Deals like this are to try to snipe the rest of the people who want it and don't want to spend as much.

          And yes before you say it well aware of eb's price match, the sad thing is 90% of people don't use it…. or if it's like my local shop next to a big w, use any excuse they can to weasel out of it.

        • +1

          @acex1138: ebgames are the most expensive retailer for games in Australia. I know this for a fact.

  • How are you guys seeing this deal? I can only see the old catalogue..

    • +1

      It's not online yet. I usually post a dodgy photo of the catalogue but it generally gets replaced within a few hours. Didn't happen this time so I can upload a pic if you like.

      • +1

        No worries, I trust ya. Thanks!

  • Good price, good grab whoever gets it, I preordered ^^

    • Locally? Price match ftw

      • haha Nah, PSN months ago to enjoy the beta. Only game I'm looking forward to so can't wait.

  • +1

    Good game?
    The one versus Teken wasn't so good.

    • +1

      The one versus Teken wasn't so good.

      It wasn't good. It was great!

    • That's like judging it on puzzle fighter.
      But yes very good judging by the beta.

    • best game ever made

  • +1

    Bearded Ryu = instant purchase.

  • +1

    Vote from me simply because it should mean that $64 should be the only amount you will spend on the game.

    Capcom announced last year that all players will receive all future updates and revisions to the game for free - unlike the previous in the series. Including any additions to the character roster?

    I haven't heard of that in who knows how long so hope it remains true and other games soon follow suit.

    • +3

      I haven't read anything official, but I highly doubt they won't nickel-and-dime this game as much as possible. Plus, Super Special Ultra Turbo Jizzlord editions down the line.

      • +2

        Correct and my mistake - nothing official announced. Only reported in interviews. This is the only thing I could find from November last year. Link….and it is Capcom after all.

        Super Special Ultra Turbo Jizzlord editions

        Not sure I want to be playing that version. Even if it happens to be part of a free update.

      • -1

        "I haven't read anything official,"
        Exactly why youre misinformed.

    • +3

      Back in the early 2000s, capcom also announced that resident evil 4 for GameCube only, and what happened next?? Never trust this company……

      • +1

        And they 'remastered' Resident Evil 0 for tooooooo many times.

  • .. Now, if only I could pick up a PS4 to go with it..

  • +1


    • +3

      rrLOUND TWO…




      (Ye olde PAL version)

  • When you stop buy to pick it up check if they still have any copies of Call of Duty Advanced Warfare, it's pretty good for $10 :)

  • +4

    This deal is down right fierce.

    • lol…down right fierce…nice one

  • SFV will also have in-game currency called Zenny.
    You can keep playing the game to gain more Zenny thereby being able to use the in-game currency to buy costumes, stages and hopefully DLC's.
    Alternatively you can buy a $30USD season pass if you don't want to grind. The DLC contains 6 additional characters, each with a premium costume.
    Otherwise DLC characters will cost $6USD each and premium costumes $4USD each.

    So it's true you don't have to buy the extra's and can get this game dirt cheap on launch (which i'm jealous of everyone who will get this), there are in-game purchasing options to speed grinding.

    • Source Eventhubs and a StreetFighter fan.
  • +1

    Violence, Sex, Online = I'm in.

  • +1

    What was the official line on why this saw no xbone release?

    • Sony contributed real world cash to the development of the game so they get dibs.
      Capcom always gets money out of everyone!

    • Mix of xbone doesnt allow crossplay, and Sony helping with development costs.

    • +7

      "This is for Tomb Raider!" - Sony CEO

      • Brilliant!!

    • +1

      Because Killer Instinct is not on ps4

    • We don't know for sure, but I think this might be a sealed deal exclusive kind of thing… Its Capcom (we don't know what they'll do), especially in this video game climate.

      Xbox One gets Dead Rising 3 + the arcade game as an exclusive on the other side of things, its all business deals.

      But Im leaning towards this being a ps exclusive for a while at least.

      They generally do multi-releases of street fighter, so unless they release an alternative super version in 2-3 years with the Xb1 or Xb2 (or like Dead Rising on Wii as a third person shooter type of game), its probably exclusive.

      As some have pointed out, its going to be updated with additional stuff as they go, with free and paid dlc, so they might avoid the alternate disc versions this time…. Maybe.

      The Capcom vs Tatsunoko game on Wii stayed exclusive, so this might be a similar scenario.

      Microsoft will probably release a retail version of Killer Instinct soon, as the game apparently did better then expected… Rather then just character pack discs…

  • Is Big W the plastic box edition or steel?

    • +2

      I would say it's probably plastic, as the steel one seems to be exclusive to JB Hi-Fi (?). Also it gives JB an excuse not to price match this one.

  • why does the rating have SEX in it?

    • +1

      Because of boobs. I hate the amount of censor ship in au video games, it's pityful.

    • +4

      Its important to let gamers know there are genders in the game

      • like that character Poison, most guys paid too much attention before learning the truth

  • The Martian 3D Blu-Ray is selling for $28 in the catalogue as well.

  • Can anyone recommend any good arcade sticks for a beginner? I've always loved playing fighting games, but never bothered to buy any (just played them at arcades). Pretty keen to get into the latest street fighter game but only if I can get a decent (not ridiculous expensive) arcade stick - as it would be more for just playing at home online and such, nothing too hardcore like tournaments etc.

    THanks in advance

    • If you are keen to buy a stick just wait for launch if you are thinking PS3 stick, they may or may not be compadible, Capcom may want to push the new madcatz line and I know my PS3 stick didnt work during the beta, the converter may increase lag is my only concern. PS3 stick might work thoe, thats the hope!

    • +3

      Just thought you should be updated also, they announced that PS3 sticks will be supported from day 1 of launch.

  • thanks op, just cancelled my $85 DIGITAL preorder for this.

    So, $85 for the game, $30 for the other characters, and $69 for the yearly psn pass

    Alvy - hold out if you can. currently ps4 sticks are really expensive.
    Otherwise Id suggest any ps3 stick, and the brooks converter as mentioned above.

    • you can get the other characters in game for free though.

      • Yeah but only if includes online or vs mode for me. Tbh I haven't bothered to find out what that might be.

        I don't care for story or finishing the game with whoever, so if that or any other weird mode ends up the zeny earning criteria I'll have to pay.

    • +1

      PS3 sticks appear to be supported from Day 1.…

      • Just appeared on eventhubs also confirming that PS3 support will be from release, awesome!!! Don't need to buy a new stick!

  • -1…

    PC Version here? 34.92 euros as of 8/2/16

    Dunno if that's a good deal. Or if it's legit.

  • -5

    I would destroy all ozbargainers in any SF

    • +1

      you can't beat me, guarantee

      • Ha-do-ken

      • Sure-youuuu-can!???

        jk :)

        or am I??

  • +1

    I just wish we could price match on the PSN store so I didn't have to change discs.

    Good price though.

  • Any word on how many characters in the game at launch? I believe Street Fighter 4's original version was released a few times?

    • +1

      16 characters.
      No additonal 'super','ultra' edtitions. Just Street Fighter V

      • +1

        Cool. Nice to see the series is still going. Apparently a story mode will release in June free of charge.

  • About a dozen left at Big W, Top Ryde (at 9AM, 16/2/2015)

  • +1

    Guys - just a quick note - there are hardly any single player modes apart from the training module at the moment - best to wait till June if you are single player like me? Maybe this will be cheaper in the EOFYS?

  • Sweet, looking forward to picking this up today… just picked up a Wish gift card through entertainment book for an extra 5% off too.

  • +3

    QV Lonsdale Melbourne CBD haven't received their shipment yet, got Jb-Hi-Fi Bourke St to price match quite easily. Plenty of stock.

  • Word of warning: This game has no single player modes, not yet anyway. There's no arcade mode, it's basically just online multiplayer right now. They've promised a story mode, but that wont come until june/july apparently.

    • Yup, this current release is pretty much for if you want to play online against the other players because the rest of the game is poorly fleshed out.

      They rushed it for tourney season this year.

      If you're just loking for some single player fun, then midyear is your best bet.

      Having said that, since they're doing a long series of updates the price probably won't drop as quickly.

      • Yeah, I'll probably still pick it up based on the $64 pricetag, but I wouldn't pay anymore.

  • Big w Campsie only got 5 copies which supposedly all sold out at opening and they don't even know when their next shipment is coming (most likely after the promo ends).

  • Just wait for another 7 variants of Street Fighter 5 in the next 3 years

    • How long will i have to wait for the xbone variant please?

  • How much is Target charging?

  • Picked third last at Cumberland Park SA an hour ago. Good luck to all.

  • Just called JB Hi Fi to see if they had the stock and whether they would price match to BigW (JB also has the standard copy for $79). The guy i spoke to at the Glen Waverly store said they don't match anything via Ozbargain, even though it's an official bigw link, I kept telling him that it's an actual link from BigW but he just wouldn't accept it and was being quite rude and refused to listen to me.

    He said it's not widely advertised, and when he searched for it on the bigW website it's saying $88, and he kept trying to talk over me, so I hung up on him as I could no longer stand his voice.

    • That's a shame. Try Elizabeth street or Bourke as has been previously mentioned. They are price matching without hesitation for $64.

    • You shouldnt have mentioned ozbargain at all.

      If you go in and show the catalogue link on your phone showing the game for $64 I think it will work

      • I wanted to confirm over the phone first, as the JB and BigW are in two different places. He actually searched for it on the BigW website first and found it for $88, only then i mentioned it was on Ozbargain. I ended up buying at BigW anyway.. Apparently the rule is if there isn't a big W in the same shopping complex as the JB HiFi, the store manager has the right to refuse the price match. Ah well

    • +1

      Lonsdale Street will pricematch straight away, I think a few people have asked them - you can just take it to the counter and ask for the Big W pricematch (they already know it's $64)

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