MS Word, Excel, Powerpoint - Free on the Web

I thought I'd post this in case anyone was thinking of buying a copy of MS Office in the near future.

"Microsoft is rising to the challenge of Google Docs, offering free Office applications on the web as it releases Office 2010."…


  • -2

    Not really a bargain!
    (1) Only speculation no link to any actual service so I can't use the product now.
    (2) There are many FREE opensource Office programs out there eg
    (3) If your needs are not great the use an actual product out there now…Google Docs…

  • +1

    It's not really a bargain, that's why it was appropriate to post it here in the forum.

    I think that the point is well made, most people buying MS Office don't use it's advanced functionality anyway but choose to go with Office because it is what they are used to.

    My suggestion would be to download the Office 2010 beta that is currently available and wait and see what happens with the cloud release.

  • -2

    The real bargain can be found at PirateBay.

    • That's not appropriate here…

    • Sorry, I just had to laugh at that.

    • the real bargain can be found at

  • Just get Open Office - it does most of what MS Office does for free.

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