This was posted 9 years 1 month 26 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[XB1] Sunset Overdrive, Watch Dogs - $5, COD Advanced Warfare - $10 @ BIG W (IN-STORE)

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Sunset Overdrive and Watch Dogs both scanning at $5 at local Big W.

Other cheapies:

COD Advanced Warfare (regular and day zero edition) $10
Final Fantasy Type 0 HD $15
Destiny $10

EDIT - Just checked website and seems the following also on clearance if you can find.
Sleeping Dogs definitive $10
Evil Within $10
Alien Isolation $15

Some available online, some in store only

A few $20 games also (Evolve, Shadow of Mordor etc)

Pic of receipt for Sunset Overdrive -

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Watch dogs will be free games with gold this year. You've waited this long. Save your cash.

    • +8

      Orrrr spend $5 for a physical game to put on your shelf.

      • Bucketloads of watchdogs and a few Adwanced Warfares at South Yarra.

      • -1

        Yeah, we all know how that's working out for the music and movie industry. At least this game will be legally free.

        • There is a bit of difference between a bluray based game which may be many many GB in size compared to a music album or compressed video file though. Whilst we still have slow links and bandwidth limits its still nice to have a physical copy of larger games, smaller indie games from steam are another story though.

        • @Gravy: Ironically I had to download nearly 50gb to install this game on from the disc.

        • @theguyrules: What?? So you own a watch dogs XB1 disc and to install it required a 50GB update download or something?? That sounds insane.

        • @Gravy: Oh I was talking about Sunset Overdrive. But yeah most Xbox One games require huge downloads even on day one. :(

  • Have you got a receipt, OP? Don't want to take a drive without confirmation.

    • +1

      Added above

    • +1

      Check the website, prices are all the same on there :)

  • +1

    Watchdogs is underrated. If you have a console, i suggest you give it a go, the hacking puzzles are enjoyable. If you have a Wii U, the large map on the gamepad is very useful.

    • +5

      The game is ok but it was way too overhyped. And the actual in game experience wasn't as good as the demos made it out to be. But it was fun in some aspects, def worth $5.

      • Overhyped absolutely. No doubt. But the marketing, the "gamers" and the "gamer" websites manufactured that a bit. Still a very good game all things considered.

        A bunch of unique ideas, some of the hacking with vehicles and locations in the open-world was a bit more in depth then other games in the gta / assassins creed vein. Some of the virtual trip simulations were actually quite good. The car one, the spider one, the 3d space shooter and the light one. The coin collecting / flower thing, not so much.

        Definitely one of the better open world games in an over-saturated genre. Compared to the over-hype of Assassins Creed 1 & 2, this game has a bit more going for it in a few areas. Hope the sequel is decent.

      • +1

        Which is exactly how The Division will work out too IMO…

  • +4

    Heads up, Sunset Overdrive might be hard to find as it's been that price since November

    • Good pick up.

      • +2

        Damn I didn't know about that, I paid $20 for it 4 months ago, still sealed, never played. damn bit on the bargain too soon haha

    • So have a couple of the others.

  • PS4 version of COD ADV Warfare is $10 as well.

  • Time to buy Sunset Overdrive, but I feel like this will be free for Xbox Gold soon since it has about $60 worth of DLC.

    • +1

      Seems to be a common thread, base Destiny isnt worth $10.

    • I did some research when I purchased it for $20 @ Target, apparently the DLC isnt great and theres no real need to have it. If thats true, something worth thinking about.

    • Spewing I bought it for $8 from HN.

    • Don't get your hopes up yet, people have been saying this about the launch titles such as Forza 5, Ryse and the zombie one going GWG, hasn't happened yet.

  • +5

    so within 10m of this going up Tea tree plaza and golden grove got cleared out by two asian guys came in filled baskets and cleaned them out.

    • +6

      Why does their race matter? Why not just 'two guys came in'?

      • +17

        Why does gender matter? Why not just say 'two humans came in'?

        • +2

          Why does the number matter? Why not just say, "Humans came in"?

        • Why does direction matter? Why not just say, "Humans came"?

        • Why does species matter? Why not just say, "came"?

        • Why do verbs matter? Why not say nothing?

        • +22

          @AnotherRat: why not take your own advice?

        • Why do personal attacks? I have feelings too you know?

        • @AnotherRat:

          Because that's personal.. ;)

      • +11

        Maybe because people from certain nations display certain mentalities? For example, in my experience Italians speak loudly and with lots of gestures, full of passion (and that is the mentality they are known for in Europe at least) - that is fine and there is no judgment associated with that.

        The charity van in Hobart is also frequently raided by a Chinese lady who takes all the food (unless stopped)and then sells it on or in her food shop despite the fact there are plenty of homeless people there who really are poor and need the food. She will take ten loaves of bread (and even bring other members of her family to even take more), all the sweets etc. and leave nothing for anybody else.
        There are people from at least six different countries there and the only ones who have been doing that are from China (the lady and some others). Only when other people told her that she is portraying her country badly in Australia and that it is she has backed down.
        Of course, I have many Chinese friends who would never do that. However, even they have had experiences like that with their compatriots and are not afraid to say so. But if you look at the bargain threads here where people have cleaned out products of stores, Asian guys often play a part in it (and Broden of course).

        Why is it not possible to describe facts these days? If these were Aussies, say so. If they were Italians, say so. If there were Asian, say so. If they were English, say so. I think you get the idea. These are just facts and have nothing to do with racism or the like.
        I mean Russell Peters makes a living out of different nation's mentalities ("Indians always try to get a bargain, Chinese never give them"). Nobody gets upset there.

        I do not care about nationalities, races etc. What I do care about is behaviour - that is the only thing I assess and "judge". If a behaviour is bad or immoral, that is what I do not condone - race or nationality does NOT matter.
        Everybody is a world citizen and has the same rights (although of course the government does disagree with me on that point - see the asylum seekers who do not even have human rights or the four-class system in Australia but that is a discussion for a different time).

        • That's sort of what I was saying in my own smart-arse(ish) way above :)

          …but maybe the Chinese lady taking the food was concerned that she was losing profits as they were giving away what she was trying to sell and was only attempting to protect her business. I may well be wrong, but it is a different angle.

        • @AnotherRat:

          She sells the loaves and also uses it in her fast food shop. This way she saves about $20 a day in bread alone, more if she brings family along. Not bad savings in a month. She does not have a bakery but good on you for thinking outside the box - never thought of that angle.

      • I don't see Race. Chinese food? I just see food.

    • -1

      Why does distance matter? Why not just start with Tea Tree Plaza?

    • +4

      Seems like a pretty low act, especially if they used OzBargain to get the deal, they'd have to know plenty of OzBargainers would be wanting copies cheaply so they can put it in the "to play someday" pile. I'd like to know what others thoughts are here, is it OK to get one for yourself and a couple/few for selling on ebay? My vote is no, you got a bargain, let others get it too.

      • I don't care really. If I get a deal I get one. I can't be bothered selling them on so I only take what I need (or maybe grab some for family as well).

        When Big W did the $3 games I was fortunate enough to get a number of games I wanted but saw one guy with heaps. He had the shits that he didn't get the games he wanted so he was getting whatever $3 games he could find so he could trade them at EB games. He actually had some that I was interested in but there weren't any other copies so I felt a bit "dudded" but he beat me to them so fair game.

      • Agreed.

      • It's called greed.

        • -2

          It's called reselling

        • Depends how you want to look at it. I call it greed in this context, but that's my opinion. In the end, it's whatever you want it to be.

    • +14

      Let's settle this now, I work in law enforcement.

      You post a description of the person, if I had described them as two men wearing hats and calico tops, you'd have no idea.

      In adel we've had an asian buying syndicate that operates here, as soon as a good deal comes up on ozbargain especially clearance games, you get a bunch of the same asian guys whether they are cousins, brothers, brother in laws, sisters whatever who cares, they divvy up and go to each shop and clear it out with no respect for anyone with the goal of heavy reselling.

      It annoys me that they use ozbargain for this, a few of their fb groups have been banned and many of them use fb groups to hock the items afterward and seem to have no shame about being rude to people, pushing people out of the way even as far as ripping items out of peoples hands, then posting them up for sale on fb/ gumtree for a hefty profit, a bs story about how they were unwanted gifts, raffle prizes etc.

      I have no dramas with people seeing a bargain, there being a ton of them so they grab one for a mate, one to sell on for a small markup and offset their purchase with it, it's fair enough.

      When you have people like I've mentioned above who display nothing but greed, i've now since confirmed in my travels one of the two was the guy from the earlier bigw clearance who was ripping games out of peoples hands at golden grove and the other was the one who went into tea tree plaza and smashed over a shelf after everyone else formed an orderly line and was taking two games per person until he smashed the shelf and grabbed a handful of them.

      Now don't for a second trip and start calling myself or any others commenting on this racist. If it was a white guy doing it you'd get a borderline description of them even if it was just "Caucasian male" with more details following later could be of greek appearance (strange terming I admit but it means speaking with a greek accent etc). It's a fact of life for descriptions, get over it, you don't even know my race and it doesn't matter.

      The issue of this is something we can't really prevent but i'm happy to name and shame them as they know who they are and what they are doing, I was fortunate enough that my run today took me north so I hit golden grove before they got there and managed to grab a game for myself and my mate.

      (still plenty of copies of advance warfare there).

      TLDR : Don't be too PC, just be good and civil.

      • +3

        Good post, I'm in SA too, didn't realise it was so organised, but I'm not overly surprised either.

    • Actually it's ok to mention race but don't dare mention religion or you'll be in trouble

      • +5

        Don't get me started on the baby formula, people have called security in and police in over it, i'm not kidding it's 100x worse on that then these clearance games resellers (many of whom are the same people).

        Stores can refuse service over it and try and enforce buying limits like with games which they generally don't choose to do, but due to public pressure with formula they have., this doesn't generally go well and a lot of these groups always have an answer to this and try to get around it whether they guard it while they call in mates to get around it right down to intimidation the staff to "just do it", or in the case of many coles which do not have security out the front anymore, just walking out with a trolley full of it and not paying for it.

        Even seen a few people who when referred to the authorities and when questioned give their job title as a "daiyu" or something which is meant to mean personal shopper for one of these groups.

      • That's because people think every brown person with a long bear is muslim.

  • is there much more DLC to buy with the watch dogs special edition?

  • +3

    Cheers OP, just picked up COD for $10 and Dishonoured for $20. Just in time for my lad's birthday.

  • COD also same price on ps4

    • there's an echo in here ….. :O

  • +3

    Picked up project spark for 1cent. Lol

    • +1

      1 cent for a free game. You were ripped off ;-)

      • +4

        I was. Technically she was meant to give my 5 cents back because it rounded off back to zero cents but she kept it. Gutted

        • +1

          Lol. At least you have a hard copy version, rather then downloading the whole thing. There is still a positive in that!

        • +1

          @BNGames: true. 500gb doesn't go far

        • +1

          @lindendwightt: it still installs to HDD no matter what

        • @jonathonsunshine: yeah i was aware of that. But i was under the impression the disc install would be smaller than the digital dl +install. After googling apparently i was wrong. So I've only gained the convenience of not having to re-download again if i do happen to unistall

        • @lindendwightt:
          Don't feel too bad, i paid $1 at JbHifi. Spewin!

    • Plus $25.95 P&H on ebay lol

    • isnt project spark free now including all DLC???

      • Yep, which is why it was 1 cent. I prefer physical though rather than a full hdd

        • +1

          Ohhhh… i thought 1cent was the download code like how steveb123 mentioned below he got rainbow 6 and COD for 1cent…

  • +1

    Tearaway deluxe edition with plush is also 15

  • +1

    The filth (no race or gender necessary) that behave in the gluttonous manner witnessed at tea tree plaza and golden grove are thankfully, a minority. I was at Big W Doncaster VIC, picked up Sunset OD (there were 1 copy left) & The Evil Within (several copies on X1). There were also lot's (+5) of copies of Dishonored (on X1). Didn't see any copies of COD, Evolve or Alien.

    • -4

      I'm thankfull they were minorities too, would be so ashamed if they were white :|

  • +1

    That's it I'm mad. Race shure matters. Thanks for the heads up, next time I see some Asians I'm yelling out. " STOP BUYING IN BULK"
    It's bad enough for babay formula now moving into xbox1 territory. Grrrrrrrr

    • I draw the line when they take my precious xbone games. Thieving bastards …

  • got codaa, mordor and wd for xb1….

    • +3

      i wonder who neg'd, only got 1 copy each…

  • FYI - don't believe Big W stock check online system. I rang a store and found out they actually had Skylanders Trap in stock when online shows nil stock.

    • true, website showed ps4 cod in stock but checked the store and there was none…

  • guys at Rockdate BigW were shocked to see CODAA for 10$…

  • +6

    I just went to Big W strathpine.
    When I got Sunset overdrive and Sleeping Dogs the sales guy said they had a bunch of left over codes they were selling for 0.1c each.
    I got Rainbow 6 and COD AW for 0.1c and he threw in a netflix 3 month code.
    He said it was one code per purchase but the old lady said if the games are $5 each i should only get one code, but he sold me two.
    They had printed an a4 sign they were about to put up.……

    • Them codes should probably be bundled with consoles. Once the distributors want them back, Big W will have some 'splainin to do =)

    • Wow - great pickup for you. Doncaster didn't offer them up but I suspect the "filth" I mentioned earlier will be flooding Gumtree & the OzB classifieds with them in no time.

    • Not sure I understand those codes things? Is that like the full game to download online or something? Just not a physical copy?

      • +1

        Its a piece of cardboard with the full game download code on the back

        • Nice. I thought it might just be added download content or something. Didn't even know you could get those in Big W.

    • Damn, that puts my 1cent project spark to shame

    • Thats a bargain :)

    • Just checked, rainbow six also had vegas 1 and 2 360 codes in the sleeve that are backwards games.…

      • I asked BigW Rockdale…they not aware of 1c download codes….

        • I think its only for Strathpine. They just have a stack of codes behind the desk they want to sell.

        • @steveb123:

          You should have loaded up at 1c per game! Not sure why the staff haven't done it themselves ala Dick's

        • @jimbler: Like I said, the guy was happy to sell me "one per xbox game", but the other sales person (60yr old lady) said if the games are only $5 each I should only be allowed one code - he sold me two anyway.

        • @steveb123:

          Ah ok…missed the part where you needed to buy a game to get one.

        • +1

          @jimbler: Just show them this receipt:

    • +1

      If anyone could get me a CoD AW code I will gladly PayPal $5 for it. Have a few friends that play this game and would love to be able to play with them.

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