Vendor Bias: Deal Must Be 30 Days Old to "Cast a Negative" Stone at It.?! ?

How to alert others that the deal is bad or fraudulently accepting money (but not delivering) or deffective gear or not really as good a deal (price-wise) as it may seem on the surface?

This seems like Muzzled consumer cooperation, IMO.


  • Click on "Report"? or maybe leave a comment…

  • i think your confusing this with account activation time, you can cast a negative vote at any time if your account is over 30 days old, this is to stop people who are new from not knowing how the site works casting a neg, or people creating accounts just to neg the competition etc… good idea to have this.

  • dam, double post…

  • you can still withdraw the vote, and you can leave a comment. If there is a major issue, perhaps start a thread in the general discussion section and people can respond….

  • Silly me! Of course!

    Oh, well…

    "How do I Negate thee? Let me count the Days"

    ( orig probably -not- from Will' ;-)

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