Perform 5 actions to get your free Steam key for either Paradise Island or Woodle Tree Adventures. Only 15,000 keys of each game in this giveaway. actions are to join their Steam group and view 4 web pages.
Paradise Island (
Drops 7 trading cards
Runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Steam OS
More a Journey in your Inner Self than a game, "Paradise Island" is an experience in which you'll explore wonderful places. The inspiration for the environments comes from the Renzo Piano designs and from the book "Origins of Architectural Pleasure" in which the welfare is of primary importance.
Woodle Tree Adventures (
Drops 3 trading cards
Runs on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Steam OS
Woodle Tree Adventures is an old school platform game with a catchy and unique art style! Explore a total of 6 worlds and save the lands with the magical water drops you'll find through your journey, bringing back peace and balance and finally becoming the new hero!
i have woodle tree , i would love to have paradise instead :/