Got this with a delivery today - not sure which stores it does/doesn't work with, but is fine for the VIC stores I tested.
Domino's Any 3 Pizzas Delivered for $24
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Doesn't work with Vermont south store in vic
It says 3 >traditional< pizzas with this code (in my area).
Dominos are paying below minimum wage- there's a petition on change and a boycott.You'd think the employees would at least load on the pizza toppings to stick it to them, but nope, half my pizza's look like a barren wasteland, a poverty stricken pizza base.
No other way around, less toppings so they have less return customers means less work for staff.
Welcome to retail, my friend
Is it 30% off if you sms it? I sa an ad on tv
No good at two NSW stores I tried
Same for me. It does not seem to work in NSW.
Doesn't work at Fairy Meadow. NSW either.
Doesn't work in Tas :(
saved $20.85 on 3 pizzas! cheers for this!
Doesn't work in Dubbo, NSW
Doesn't work in WA
Worked for the Prahran store. Thank you very much +1 from me :)
Buh-bow in inner north Brisbane
Domino's is delivering pretty fast lately, even with this bonus delivery time within 20m, it's still being delivered around this time for me