Euro Trip. Travelling around Europe in Campervan. Rentals?

So, we are heading to Europe :)

I was thinking flying into London spend approx 8 days.

Eurostar to Paris spend about 3 days

Then, get a Caravan and drive up to Brussel and to Amsterdam and sightseeing along the way.

What do you guys think? Feasible? good idea? is this better way to travel than train / car

I was wondering whether anyone has hired a campervan in Europe before. If you could give me some advice on my plan and price range on hiring Caravan would be much appreciated :)


  • a caravan or camper van. If you hire the former you will need to have a car to tow it and its unlikely you will be able to rent a car witha tower. Also its not easy to tow and driving on the otherside will add to the complexity and risk.

  • oops. Camper van :).

    • Then edit your post and you'll get better responses. I cant help further as I havent done it. Good Luck

  • Fuel is expensive there (2x of Australia), but you'll save money on accommodation. Hmmm…

  • +2

    I drove around europe for 3 weeks in Oct 2014. had a rental car which I picked up in Paris then - cologne- prague- vienna- salburg- venice- nice- barcelona - Paris 4500kms.

    personally I preferred having a car. I had considered a camper but they aren't that cheap - I have 3 kids so needed 4 berths. but still relatively costly.

    accommodation isn't that expensive especially if you are going through airbnb.

    with a car (especially a small car) it's easier to get around in. plus car rental in europe is pretty cheap -especially if it's just for 2. get a diesel as it has better economy and is cheaper then regular e.g. in France Diesel 1.03 EUR V. regular 1.27 EUR

    if you want to save some cash then grab a small gas stove and cook meals yourself. or take a tent and camp at camping grounds (which you would be doing mostly in a camper van).

    tip (i haven't tried this but it's been said to work): when you search for car rental, do it through a VPN from a european server to get a cheaper price. i just searched for a car rental place (Holiday Autos was the least expensive for a 5 seater with a reasonable boot) and got a decent price of $35 a day.

  • A million years ago I looked into this. The top advice seemed to be to lease a car/van probably in france. Reason was no restrictions where you can go country-wise, if it breaks, lost, smashed i think you're better off than when hiring or buying.
    Anyway worth checking out but I would probably just buy a bomb van in England and hang with a mattress and bowl of cereal while touring.

  • Thanks guys for your input!. What's the best accommodation in London you guys reckon?
    Airbnb vs hostels vs B&B?

  • +1

    My husband and I live in London and we recently got back from a 4 week campervan trip around Germany and Switzerland and absolutely loved it. We hired thorugh Wicked Campers and got a promo offer which cost £35 per day (usulaly £55) so it worked out to be quite cheap for us. There's also another company called Spaceship rentals which I haven't used but have heard good things about.

    I'd say buy the Camperstops 2016 guide if you can, it lists all the spots you can park including free and paid ones. A lot of the time we just parked in parking lots, the general rules with a lot of countries is you can park for 1 night (but check with the countries)

    As for London - its pretty freaking expensive for accomodation. It doesn't matter which type of accomodation you choose they all have their pros and cons, but my advice to saving money is don't book somewhere in central london, aim for somewhere in zone 2 like camden or highbury and islington, as these are only a 10 minute tube ride into the centre but can be significantly cheaper

    Enjoy your trip and feel free to ask any more questions :)

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